
in helpline •  8 years ago 


Many believe that it is easier to talk to a stranger than close. I'm not used to complain and the problem solved itself. But the black band was tightened and I fell into despair. Unexpectedly for myself, I decided to use the service "Telephone hotline". You can call anonymously and at a distance to tell about all that boiling a complete stranger. The line was around the clock in one of the sleepless nights I called.

Yeah, operational assistance, - I thought, after dialed the number for the third time and I did not answer. I no longer tried to call and put the cell phone on the nightstand beside the bed. It has long past midnight, and I watch TV and sleep in either eye. I was startled by a mobile phone call, so late I did not call anybody. But when he saw the number that flashed on the screen, I was surprised - it was a helpline. If, as they claim, an anonymous phone calls and my room did not have them displayed, then no cases they call back to me?
Picking up the phone, I heard a pleasant male voice asked;

  • Do you still need help?

I said that I needed to talk to someone. The man replied that he was ready to listen to me and give advice. I did not know where to start, and therefore in a chaotic manner began to talk about all their problems. I talked incessantly, and the man had not interrupted me. After I told him, he asked:

  • And after that you have going on, you still want to live?

I do not quite understand his question, but I thought that maybe he is going through that, I do not want to commit suicide. I replied that such thoughts have never visited. The man was silent, and then said:

  • It would be better for everyone, if you're dead.

  • What are you carrying? Is that a new method of support? - I asked seriously.

  • No, - I said the man - is the old principle of social cleansing.

The operator carrying complete nonsense:

  • Just think how hard your loved ones, because they have to see you constantly tired and sad, you're all annoying. You are confused in their lives and a way out of your problem - it's suicide.

I realized that the operator is not adequate and would like to press the reset call, but my phone began to fail - no function is activated, the screen did not work. Suddenly, automatically turn on the speakerphone, and again I heard the voice of the operator, who spoke about the virtues of the underworld and the fact that I'm no use to anybody. From the earpiece was heard some psychedelic music, the man began loudly repeating the same thing: "Kill yourself". From the music and his voice made my head spin, my movements became some sort of lethargy, and thoughts were confused. I opened my phone and pulled out the battery with the SIM card. After that, the room finally there was silence, and I felt better. Phone I decided not to include in the morning, and did not have to wait long. I went to the Internet to "helpline" website, found the number of those supporting and recorded on paper. Toward morning I fell asleep and woke up almost lunch. Looking at the time, I collected my phone and switched it on. Dialing the number of those supporting and informing the operator that the girl-with me at night happened. She said to me:

  • The number of the last call you, was blocked by two hours ago, because of numerous complaints from people who have the same last night talking with a man who advised them to commit suicide. Support service brings you apologize, we do not know what a man answered the calls and call back. Only women work in the phone confidence.


Girl operator again apologized and said good-bye to me. I could not believe it, surely this can really be. Deciding to escape, I turned on the TV and got to the news release. Moderator said that last night in the city there was a mass suicide of teens and young adults. The exact number of suicides has not yet been established, but it is known for a fact that brings together all the victims, before his death, each of them called on the helpline. image )

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