I was watching a YouTube video earlier today where a filmmaker was allowed into the Hemingway Museum. One of the things that the filmmaker noticed after looking through Hemingway’s notes, his edits, his rewriting, of his book A Farewell to Arms, was that Hemingway had forty possible endings before he settled on the one that became part of the book.
When a writer finally settles upon their book, from the opening sentence until the ending sentence, the writer is finally able to exhale and is ready for others to read what they had laboured upon.
Our life is the same.
From the time we are able to dream and have visions of what we want to become, do, or accomplish in our lifetime. How many endings to our life have we dreamed of it to be, throughout our lifetime, until our ending is finally written, the day we are laid to rest.
Keep dreaming, keep having those visions, have thoughts of what you want to do, where you want to be. Keep working on editing, writing, re-edit, and rewriting, your life, over and over, and over again.
Just like Hemingway’s forty possible endings to A Farewell to Arms, how many would have known of those so many endings he had for the book, unless they visited the museum, or watched a similar video as I watched, or heard of it told as I’ve told it today?
The only ending that most knows, is the one in the book, or movies based on the book. The same with our endings, the one that will be lasting will be the one in our obituary.
Share your dreams, your visions of what you want to accomplish, your ambitions in life, with your family, with your friends. Some may think you have flipped your lid, that your ill or sick, but that’s ok.
The only one holding you back, is you.