A Pop-Up Hemp Education

in hemp •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hemp still has an unnecessarily negative reputation with many people around the US today. But over the past several years, we can see that acceptance for hemp has seemingly broadened, as more states have made the move to get involved in growing this crop.

Hemp is an extremely versatile crop that can be used in thousands of different ways, to produce things like food, textiles, paper, construction materials, and a lot more.

Many believe that hemp will get you high like cannabis is known to, but industrial hemp that's grown in the US won't get you high because it doesn't contain enough THC; the psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis.

A lot of the hemp products that are made in the US today have to be made with hemp that gets imported from other countries and it's a market that sees hundreds of millions in sales every year. However, a growing number of states are looking to start experimenting with embracing the hemp market and starting to grow the industrial hemp crop.

Considering that hemp doesn't get you high like cannabis is known to, it's a bit confusing as to why the US government has it criminalized just the same.

Right now, the federal government still classifies all forms of cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug and that includes hemp.

There are a variety of efforts that are currently underway throughout the US, that are trying to erode the negative stigma surrounding hemp. Various hemp advocates are seeking to educate consumers on the vast potential that can be reaped if more were to shed their fear of this crop.

One effort in NC comes from the state's first hemp dispensary, Hemp Farmacy, and they are seeking to provide the community with information about hemp, CBD, the history of hemp in the US etc. Another project in New York, run by JD farms, is looking to offer restaurants in the area a variety of hemp greens for their salad and food items. They want to help their community to learn about the potential for utilizing hemp as a valuable food source.

Outside of the US, there are similar efforts that are seeking to help the public to learn about the benefits of hemp as well. In New Zealand, one chef that's looking to battle the hemp confusion there has created a pop-up restaurant experience in order to do it, known as Plant Culture. The pop-up restaurant offers an experience that educates consumers about hemp and the potential health benefits associated with it.

Hemp has been highlighted as a terrific source of protein and omega 3

The Plant Culture hemp experience is looking to teach consumers about how easy it would be to incorporate hemp seeds into many different types of dishes. At the moment, the only hemp-derived food product that is legally sold in NZ, is hemp seed oil. But that might not be the case for long as just this year, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand deemed hemp to be safe for consumption and they've already given their approval for more hemp food products to come to market.

Not only can hemp be used in thousands of different ways to produce a myriad of products, but hemp is also referred to by many as a superfood. Hemp seeds are said to contain more protein than almost any other seed that's out there on the market. The hemp seeds are also said to be high in iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium; and they've got almost zero carbs.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

Leafly via leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/hemp-101-what-is-hemp-whats-it-used-for-and-why-is-it-illegal
Northwest Cannabis Coalition
Global Hemp via globalhemp.com/about-hemp/hemp-foods/
Herb via herb.co/2017/03/27/hemp-cbd-oil-cannabis-cbd-oil/

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing the importance of hemp, awesome post, the word has to spread out even more, government is making people dysfunctional. Have a great day, thanks for sharing! #keepsteemin :)
Legalise it!

Good data here.

Thanks for writing this and other posts about the importance of hemp. It's a miracle plant. Have you read Hemp Bound by Doug Fine? Great book.

The schedule 1 classification just blows me away. But, what can you really expect from a completely dysfunctional government??

We use hemp flour to make many of of tasty curries in India. Like making some tasty non veg curries.

In India you guys got government sanctioned bhang shops getting high off just lasses

Hemp and cbd have sooo many positive, healthy uses! Why do they (the governots) continue to criminalize it??

The people that banned hemp were evil to the core. Not growing hemp cost the US untold amount of money. Almost 100 years for people to wake up.

What a fantastic hemp-ducation, @doitvoluntarily! Thanks for providing it :-)

My dad had a really negative view on hemp. This was until he met someone that created a publicly traded company selling products made from hemp. Hemp is extremely powerful stuff. We should really do a better job at taking advantage of its many uses.


Hemp Paste is the cure all. its a whole plant cbd product made in colorado.

paste? haven't heard of that 1!

yeah its edible CBD with all the other cannabinoids. its for curing cancer. basically it communicates to the nucleus of every cell in your body, telling them to find a state of homeostasis. its a cure all. my favortie is to take it before bed you get very vivid dreams. doesnt get you high either.

great images/info :)

Good references to information shared.

thx :)

nice post! Im luckly to have medical and legal recreational cannabis here in an diego! i should grow industrial hemp too!
Im givin u a shoutout in my latest #cannabis post!

Hemp or cannabis, whatever you like to call it. Only one thing I know, it's a miracle plant. In fact cannabis can cure almost all kind of ailments, especially epileptic and even cancer.

@doitvoluntarily Thank you for spreading awareness and knowledge. Let's restore the natural freedoms this beautiful plant provides. Namaste :)

Ready for a hemp revolution here. It only makes sense, and I suppose that's why it's still frowned upon by the "establishment". Lots of great info here. Thanks! :)

I want people to get over the stigma about hemp. These seeds can't make you high, but they will make you feel good.

I'm going back to doing the original series that I started months ago. Uses for Hemp. Writing about this again in the next few days. Good for you @doitvoluntarily

sweet! :)

I have totally changed my approach to the platform. I was trying to write for my perceived notions of what others would like. Screw it. I'm writing about what interests me for now on.

good idea! :)

Very informative extremely valuable facts that can open a lot of peoples perspectives in a positive way

Important enlightenment about hemp

Hemp is the most ridiculously under-utilized resource that could be saving the planet, but governments associate it with THC and tell you it's bad. The irony is that THC isn't even bad and CBD oil is basically a miracle from my perspective. Fuck the system of perpetuating ignorance.

Thank you for informative post. It feels like out society is advancing so quickly and then you realize things like hemp are still criminalized 😀

Nice post with plenty of good info. I use quite a lot of hemp seeds as a source of protein. They're handy because unlike most other seeds they contain no phytic acid so don't need to be steeped before use. I use the seeds in smoothies and to make hemp milk and also have hemp ice cubes in drinks.

Hopefully soon the U.S.A. will come to their senses and legalize this magnificent plant. Keeping it illegal is only hurting the people with health problems that could be benefiting from its uses. Legalizing it can be a win win situation for the people as well as the government.

very educational. good job!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Cures of the future budd follow and upvote @rogerblu

Cannabis has been used as Medicine for at least 5,000 years. The following link is from the U.S. National Institute of Health. Over 100 studies prove Cannabis Annihilates Cancer. List here. https://dailyhealthpost.com/cannabis-cancer-studies/3/ Full article https://dailyhealthpost.com/cannabis-cancer-studies/

Good video here

Very nice and interesting!

Very interesting, in my province Aceh marijuana has been known for a long time. Acehnese use marijuana as a mainstay cooking spice, even Acehnese marijuana once very famous for its best quality in Indonesia. But now marijuana has been marginalized by the most prohibited "label" of narcotics, while there are other more destructive types of narcotics. Thanks for your post @doitvoluntarily

hey i do blogs about cannabis too check me out

This is great. I have been involved in Hemp for a decade. I have farmed it, I sell hemp oil, seeds and powders and think it is a fantastic plant with the potential to revolutionize the way we live. Hemp and bitcoin and we are halfway there.

Hemp and cannabis are not different plants like you made out in your article. Hemp is cannabis and cannabis is hemp. The strains of cannabis used for "industrial hemp" are strains with minimal THC levels. When I was farming hemp we had to apply and gain a permit to grow it, because it is cannabis... and we had an inspector in our field for 8 hours making sure that all of our plants had no THC. (It would be very easy to get away with growing some really good bud in a hemp field.) This is why it is still such a taboo crop and there are hoops and red tape if you want to grow it.

I appreciated your article and am all about these revolutionary things. Go hemp!

hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of the cannabis plant yes, hope that is what comes across if not in this post then in the various sources listed with it, added an illustration image that i hope helps :)