Deutzia is a pretty shrub from Asia. It is easy to care for and beautiful. Because of this, many people enjoy growing it.
Deutzia looks similar to honeysuckle. It is a perennial plant. It is part of the hydrangea family. These plants are now common in many parts of the world.
Large bushes have long shoots. The shoots can be smooth or have tiny hairs. The bark gets rougher as it gets older. Bushes can grow from 3 to 10 feet tall. Deutzia grows fast. It often blooms in its third to fifth year.
The plant's leaves are long. The flowers are simple. They grow in big groups. Flowers can be white, light pink, or red. It blooms for many months. After blooming, the flower falls off. A small fruit with seeds grows in its place. The plant uses these seeds to reproduce.
The bush can live for 20 to 30 years. It is a lovely addition to any yard during that time.