The Advantages of the Whole Herb/Plant

in herbal •  2 years ago 

The Advantages of the Whole HerbPlant.png

A total herb/plant is rarely rapid acting or extremely potents in many chronic diseased conditions. A slow but steady approach is desirable since owing to long drawn pathology of different tissues/organs/systems of the body are in deranged or weakened condition and such continuous bombardment with powerful synthetic drugs is not only undesirable but also dangerous. Therefore a safer and green approach is the right choice as crude preparations of herbs release active ingredients into the blood stream relatively slowly.

The biochemical action of a green herb/drug depends on the totality of the organic and inorganic substances in it. The same active fraction within a plant has remarkably different effects when it is isolated from the plant. It appears that there is some balancing mechanism in the naturally occurring substances of a plant which prevent it from going out of control.

Ayurveda too stresses that disturbance in the balancing state of vata, pitta and Kapha popularly known as tridosha is the main reason for the initiation and production of the disease process. Similarly the Chinese native system too believes that because of disturbances in the balance of 'Yung and Yang' factors, (hot &cold factors) disease occurs. All these are in tune with the basic mechanism of life. This process balancing act within the body brought back into order by the green remedies like Herbs/plants/ Fruits/Flowers etc because of their inherent balancing action.

There is an in-built regulating effect in herbs and their combinations. For example the most common pungent bulb garlic, can lower the blood pressure of an agitated person known as a Type 'A' Individual and raise the blood pressure if it is low. The active principles derived from this bulb do not possess any such regulatory effect on blood pressure and this is the beauty of the herbals.

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