Herbal fix for back pain, that really works, and is safe to use long term!

in herbals •  7 years ago  (edited)

The best anti-inflammatory herbal I have found! If you hurt and use NSAIDs for relief, you need to get these capsules! NSAIDs work by destroying a naturally produced enzyme, but they also attack the GI tract, and the liver, so you are limited to short term use. A lot of people end up on opioids for long term pain control, which is also not acceptable. Looking to a solution for this problem, I found the following herbal mix is a very effective anti-inflammtory! I mix 60% Tumeric with 35% Boswellia serrata and 5% black pepper by volume, and package it in 00 size capsules. This mix does two major things for the body, first it protects the liver, and second, it blocks the manufacture of the same enzyme the NSAIDs destroy. This way, you will see the same pain relief that the NSAIDs offer, with zero risk to the GI tract or the liver. Both of the first two are also Cancer fighting agents, but for this discussion that is not specifically important.

I have two back fusions, one low and one high, and I also have an over active liver, so pain medicines only work for about 20% of the normal time duration for me. My liver forced me to look for a better way to control pain, because the doctors would supply me with plenty of opiods to control the pain, but taking five times the normal dose seemed like a very bad idea! This herbal had only one side effect I do not care for, it has increased my liver function some! On the plus side, it also lets me function normally, which is GOD sent!

Now, to help you make these capsules. First, we will begin with the Boswellia Serrata, because it is the most difficult. Boswellia Serrata (AKA Boswellia) is powdered Frankincense tears, which is the sap collected from the Boswellia Serrata tree. It is the least common, and if you can NOT find it, the other two (Turmeric and Black Pepper) will help a lot without the Boswellia. You may even find those two in capsules on the shelf (they Are that good!) in local health food stores. BUT, it is significantly more effective with all three Herbals! When you get the Francincense Tears, they must be powdered. I run them through a coffee grinder, and sift the ground product to ensure there are no large chunks left. Those I do find, go back through the grinder. This is resin and will be sticky to handle when ground. I mix mine in a 2 quart mason jar, as it is a good place to store what is not used to make capsules. I take 8 capsules a day, because of the multiple surgery locations I live with. I get my Frankincense tears from www.our4corners.net (I have NO affiliation with them beyond being a happy customer), and she has Tumeric too, but I buy that from a local India spice store, because it is less expensive there. I get the Black Pepper at Sams for cost also.

As with any medication, use the minimum amount that will provide pain relief, because less is more! This can be taken long term as it supports healthy body functions. Be blessed and stay healthy! Herbal fix for back pain, that really works, and is safe!


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