Long History of Medicinal Uses by Natives
Pau D, Arco has a long history of being used to treat many ailments, both common and rare. It is a tropical plant with over 100 different varieties, each with differing amounts of the active compounds called benzenoids, flavonoids and quinoids. These compounds have shown proof of active affects against harmful organisms. Some experiments point to the lapachol content being the most beneficial due to it’s toxicity against harmful organisms.
Varying quality of products on the market
Many products on the market have been proven to contain not just the inner bark and wood of the tree, but also the outer bark or dead bark of the tree. This results in a decrease in potency when used in the common 1 tsp per cup of tea measurements.
It should also be noted that most pill forms of Pau D, Arco on the market are not standardized, again making it hard to ensure the amount of active ingredients being consumed. Always make sure you know your supplier!
Varieties Used
The use of Pau D, Arco outside of the native communities is still new enough there has not be a lot of research into all the various varieties to trees. The following list is in order of the most commonly talked about varieties. Keep in mind, there are over 100 different varieties and many dealers will mix various varieties instead of providing a pure product. Always make sure you purchase from a reputable dealer as there are no studies (as of yet) to show the effectiveness of the other varieties.
• Tabebuia impetiginosa
• Tabebuia aqvellaneda
• Tabebuia heptaphylla
Historical uses
• Extracts and tinctures have been used in making ointments and salves for the treatment of skin wounds. It helps prevent infections and speed healing. This also includes being used for skin conditions such as rashes and insect bites. Any condition which results redness and swelling of the skin could benefit from it.
• Taken internally as a tea, experiments have shown it to stimulate the immune system which can help to fight off infection, reduce fevers, and help ulcers heal.
• Reduces inflammation within the body and has been used both internally and externally to treat arthritis, pain from injuries, and swollen prostate glands.
• Considered by many to be analgesic, anti-cancerous, antioxidant, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, antiviral, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and laxative.
• Used historically by natives to treat backache, boils, cancer, colitis, colds, cough, fever, flu, lupus, malaria, respiratory problems, STDs, snakebite, toothache and ulcers.
• Used by homeopathic physicians in the USA and UK to treat allergies, anemia, high blood pressure, poor circulation, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, allergies, Hodgkin’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteomyelitis, and yeast infections.
• As a topical treatment is it often used to treat athlete’s foot, nail fungus, hemorrhoids, and eczema.
Botanical Name: Tabebuia impetiginosa
Common Names: Mauve trumpet tree, Purple tabebuia, pau d'arco rosa, Ipe, Lapacho
USDA Planting Zones: - Only grows in Hawaii and South Florida