The Billion Hero Challenge: Join Team BTS (proxy: fav)

in hero •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Billion Hero challenge officially started with the announcement (info from telegram)

Note: this is not an investment advice, do your own due diligence and use common sense first

team bts.gif
Not affiliated with BTS, the Korean boygroup

Why I do this

First of all, we cannot allow some outsiders beating us on our beloved playground.

But more importantly, someone with actual BitShares voting needs to be in the tournament... Imagine the horror if $millions join and no one is voting or even worse, doing some very uneducated voting with the proxy millions.

Win Condition

Proxy Vote to fav

2017-06-17 16_57_23-OpenLedger.png

Short HERO

The team earns points on shorted (borrowed) HERO, and only on that action.


  1. Click BORROW HERO

In order to Borrow HERO, you need to lock away 2.25x the value of BitShares
See Economic Model/Risks and why this works:

So this is a bit trial and error, depending on how much BitShares you want to use to create HERO.

  1. Enter AMOUNT
  2. Set the Slider to AT LEAST 2.25
  3. Click Update Position
  4. Confirm

Note: Here's a follow up on how to take out profit:


Start with a small amount, like the traditional 0.05 HERO - and see how the system works and how you can take out profit, or how you can lose.

Complete Newbie Guide:


Read: and contact me if you got questions


Depending on the rank we reach, it'll either get burned, or to the fav-quits-dayjob-to-work-fulltime-for-BitShares fund.

But this is up for discussion :)


Via Mail
► Telegram: favdesu
► HERO Telegram:

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@ash you vote for several witnesses who are not producing blocks. I'd like to join this team (3 million votes), but it's important to me that I don't sacrifice my witness/committee votes. Any thoughts? Your votes: fav My votes: billbutler

I vote for witnesses that are currently not voted in, that's a correct observation

I have much respect for both of you. However, in terms of the HERO challenge, I will endourse @fav as I don't see that @billbutler is a leader (has campaigned for being a proxy) in the challenge.

I intend to short some HEROs later today, and I will switch my primary proxy to you @fav when I do.

For the record I do prefer @billbutler's witness selection over your list fav, but you are also an excellent witness watcher as well. Billbutller IS a witness as am I and I believe being experienced in that role is important. I generally choose a proxy based on the breadth of knowledge of the entire BitShares ecosystem, and I believe both of you do that better than I. If I didn't hold that perspective I would not proxy to anyone else.

The one thing nice about the BitShares proxy system is you can change your proxy or revoke it entirely at any point in time. People have total control.

I wasn't attempting to start a team or compete with @ash. I was communicating why I'm unable to proxy my votes to @ash in the name of a competition. Witness and Committee votes aren't really appropriate things to sacrifice in the name of gamification.

OK, I see and agree to a point. Although choosing a proxy is essentially a binary choice (either you choose proxy X or you don't), the mix of endorsements a proxy votes for is not.

Although my perspectives on witnesses are more closely aligned with yours vs fav's, I don't see fav's choices are so terrible I can't support him as a proxy. In that regard my choice is not binary, and I may chose to change my proxy after the HERO competition is over.

I am also making my choice based in part on the HERO competition. I am unwilling to designate a proxy that does not understand the ecosystem reasonably comprehensively such as a ecosystem newbie with limited familiarity of this platform, such as a johnny-come-lately marketer.

I place a huge degree of importance on agorist principles. It is very difficult to discern how strongly or weekly people adhere to such principles, and I feel at a disadvantage to make choices about people as a result.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing this blog.
A good job. Has given hope and vacancy to the steemians to join.
A virtue you have done for steemian around the wolrd. What you have done is a benefit to us, and hopefully you will be rewarded for what you have done.
sebuah pekerjaan yang sangat mulia.
saya kagum dengan anda.
sungguh sulit menemukan orang seperti anda.
yang mau membantu orang lain.
dengan membantu mereka seperti ini
maka semuanya memiliki kesempatan untuk merasakan kelebihan steemit dengan yang lainnya.
kalau saya sudah setingkat dengan anda
saya juga akan melakukan hal yang sama.
sungguh motivasi hidup bagi saya.
terimakasih saudariku.
love you so much.

I will seriously consider setting you as proxy. Thanks @ash.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

came here for the boyband, stayed for the awesome advice xD

nah seriously though, thanks for the info @ash

Thanks for the tips @ash :)

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

thanks @ash for posting all these tutorials and updates. I want to support you, though I don't know how to do proxies yet and I don't really understand how this works yet. I just followed you so please keep on teaching and posting all these helpful tips and tutorials! Thanks!

@gimme-free if u click the 3 horizontal lines at the top right of your (same menu that has Quickstart and Steemit Chat) theres a button that says vote for witnesses and voila that should help, you can vote and proxy from that menu there =-)

I think we should have a better cause. It should be something that really serves the steem community. You working fulltime for bitshares would be nice for sure but with the price money we could do something like building an organisation with one hundred employees to work on steem and bitshares the same time.

This is team bitshares, not team steem

there are still better causes

yes, that's what I implied one sentence later.

anyways I don't want to pick on words.

I'll give a proposal:

At the time that the Hero Challenge is over, the whole financial industry will have changed drastically. And with the crumbling of the old institutions there will be hugh problems for many people to have work. Bitshares will profit from this downfall. I think the money should be used to help building a new sector that builds new forms of work or new forms of doing something that makes sense to people. I know that this sounds very vague but I also think that things will change so much that we can't really say what exactly we need at that moment in time. Maybe we need to install basic income first because I don't think that 8 to 5 work should exist anymore. Maybe we need to build organisations that bring people back to nature, playing music, doing arts, programming roboters... I don't know what it will need exactly but I am sure that society can always have more community.

Bhikkhu theres an entire aspect of Hero as a contest and a challenge - that is : they designed part of the Billion Hero Challenge - to act as an incentivized learning system. In other words participate in the billion hero challenge because 1.) you could learn to program smart contracts without paying for school 2.) you can earn money while learning 3.) if you are smart about how you collateralize your own heroes you're going to make alot of money there too.

Realize how large the demand actually is for this technology. Its freakish. Now realize theres a huge disparity in demand for this tech; and manpower needed to conceptualize, design, implement, test and patch all of these new applications. Tons and tons and tons of developers are needed; and this challenge is supposed to CREATE, RECRUIT, TRAIN actual real life heroes not a short slow chunky retirement coin.

If you have a mechanistically speedy vehicle of transaction and autonomous robots whats to say that anyone needs to work 8 to 5 ? I dont know we'll see

first of all: i like your vision.
second: have you read my blog? because i write about trying to get a foot in the smart contract developing. At the moment I learn about website and server technologie to get a feeling of whats possible to build with webtechnologies because smart contracts can not function without a proper visual interface either. Can you link me to information regarding the learning program?

Thank you for your good post. I understand little English and only understand what Google translates for me, but I liked this post.