10 Unsung Heroes Of Steem

in heroesofsteem •  8 years ago 

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I usually end the day with a browse on Steem, typically this will be between 11 and 1 am GMT and as I'm browsing, I come across posts that I get great value from, but they don't have many votes or if they do, they haven't accrued much income.

So in hope that you read this and go and check out some of these posts, go and vote on them and comment on them if you find value in them, revive them back into the active category and generally encourage the posters. Some of them only have a post or two and maybe have been disheartened at the lack of response to their posts, compared to others.

Why should you care?

Because we are in danger of becoming a homogenised site whereby, the rewards are causing more and more people to write about Steem. This rewards are causing us to act a certain way, which in turn is creating a kind of social algorithm, which filters out some really interesting subjects.

I'm not preaching, because I have been doing the same thing, but I just don't want us to put off people who aren't necessarily into cryptocurrency, or feel that they have nothing to add to the Steem debate.

Let's show them what a friendly bunch we are!

The #OSC (#OriginalSteemContent) Rating has been given, taking into consideration how much of the content is the poster's own; however I have also rated the way the content has been put across, if it isn't original. Lastly I have considered how obscure, or hard to find, the content is and how much it has inspired me.

The ratings are of course arbitrary and are mainly for fun, so in no particular order, please check out the unsung hero list.


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First up there is just a single post from @connorcranston and it's an absolute cracker, he has decided to cross promote a favourite TED talk of his. He's written a few paragraphs qualifying it and why he thinks it is worth listening to. I must say, I fully agree.

Connor posted this a week ago and looks like he hasn't logged back in since, or maybe has and was disheartened by the pennies it had gathered. Let's give him a Steem surprise for the next time he's on.

Why This Post Is Good: The talk itself is really inspiring and will energise you and prompt you to take action. There is also a good relevant comment on the post from @Inuenndo

Watch vote and comment at: Best TED talk period! (How to get whatever you want in life)

#OSC Rating 91%


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Next up we have @sandra; I get the feeling that Sandra is slowly finding her voice on Steem. She has a nice, light, chatty style and I like her personal stories and her advice, which she delivers in a concise, pleasing way.

All of her content checks out on Copyscape and for that alone, she should be rewarded for posting #OriginalSteemContent

Blog Style: Advice - Reviews - Personal Stories

Why You Should Go There: Sandra has an easy to read style, her stories are entertaining and advice is sound.

Favourite Post: Roasted Asparagus with Mountain Ham (yum!)

Highest Grossing Post: Around the World in 80 seconds

'#OSC Rating: 95%


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This blog is indeed rocking! Rok is an intellectual writer, with a style that sucks you in, with his clever and compelling prose, Rok will have you salivating for more. His insight into the human psyche is far-reaching and thoughtful.

Rok has written on a range of subjects and has definitely established a voice, he is an interesting character and one you can get to know, through his writing. I am still working my way through his posts and he is in a prolific mood at the moment, so lots of new stuff coming out.

A definite Steemit Rok Star!

Blog Style: Philosophical, intellectualism - life observations - humourous

Why You Should Go There: To laugh, cry and be mesmerised.

Favourite Post: Confessions Of An Ex-Self-Help Junkie: The Motivations Behind An Addiction To Information, Ambition, & The Quest For Truth

Highest Grossing Post: My First 24 Hours On The Mind-Bender Of a Ride That Is Steemit

#OSC Rating: 98%


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Stino-san is an art lover and photographer, Stino has written his fair share of Steemit orientated articles. However his strength lies in his photography and his appreciation of art; he has referenced and credited other artists and has tried to introduce new forms of art to his readers.

His photography is astounding and his Kyoto pictures must be seen, he has recently put up some timelapse of his computer artwork and I'm hoping to see more of that and maybe some tutorials. Most of all, I want to see more of his photography.

As a bonus stino-san also happens to be a translator and he has translated the Steem Whitepaper into Dutch, no mean feat I'd imagine!

Blog Style: Art - Photography - Musings - Steem

Why You Should Go There: To scratch your art itch; and to enjoy some beautiful photography.

Favourite Post: A Day In Kyoto

Highest Grossing Post: Hello My Name Is Stino

#OSC Rating: 99%


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Benjojo, is probably better classed as a rising star than an unsung hero, a look through his blog history will see a lot of low revenue early posts. Since then he has found his voice and is slowly building up some decent revenue as his readership grows. Benjojo has a creative streak and enjoys coming up with graphics and entertaining memes.

Ben is also into Zen, which I really relate to, as I've found it is indeed the path to calmness, and awareness; I'm not always completely Zen, but looking at some of benjojo's Zen memes, usually brings me back to where I want to be. :-)

Blog Style: Art - Creative Writing - Introspection

Why You Should Go There: To enjoy Ben's art and creative writing, he also has very good points in his introspective pieces and is very helpful. He contributes well to other posts and is definitely worth engaging.

Favourite Post: Antagonizing arachnophobics

Highest Grossing Post: What Else Can We Do With Steem?

#OSC Rating: 96%


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Ajvest is new to Steemit, his first post was around 2 weeks ago, he then left it a week and seems to have stepped up his efforts, posting 3 times in the last few days. He is still finding his feet, but he seems to have a helpful side to him and I'm looking forward to some more of his suggestions for Steemit.

I would like to see an introduce yourself post, as I'm sure Steem will welcome his chatty, helpful, inquisitive style; keep it up AJ!

Blog Style: Steem Suggestions

Why You Should Go There: To check out his thoughts on Steem and to add your voice to valuable debates..

Favourite Post: Is Your Dog A Democrat?

Highest Grossing Post: Calling all DIY-er's

#OSC Rating: 94%


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Kenny Crane is another Steemit Newbie, and he has brought an upbeat, refreshing style to the platform. Reading Kenny you get the feeling that he's the kind of guy who can't wait to tell you his ideas, because they energise him and he just has to share that energy, or he'll explode!

Although new to Steem, Kenny is no stranger to blogging, he was an early adopter of YouTube, back in 2005 and says that he can feel a similar early vibe on Steemit.

Kenny seems to have a good general, blogging and internet knowledge, he is full of enthusiasm and good ideas and people like him need to be encouraged on Steem as he brings a lot to the platform. I can't wait to engage further with Kenny and I look forward to his future posts.

Blog Style: Fun - Steem Suggestions - Creative Writing -

Why You Should Go There: To get infused with his infectious, enthusiasm and learn from his insights, arising from his time on YouTube.

Favourite Post: Emojis on Steemit, how do we all feel about them? (and how to add them here, now!)

Highest Grossing Post: Hi, I'm Kenny from YouTubeStars.

#OSC Rating: 100%


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Pfunk shares the same name as one of my favourite bands of all time; and his blog is a wonderfully eclectic mix of photography, news, political insight and history and a whole lot more. The style of his posts suggest that he has a wide range of interests, and he wants to share them.

Another interesting point about this account is that it is a witness account; meaning he's a Steem miner and has a special computer running all the time as part of the Steem blockchain. This means he's very knowledgeable regarding, mining Steem and cryptocurrency in general.

This blog contains some absolute gems and I myself am going to start paying more attention to it, I've checked out a fraction of his posts and I like them all. I appreciate his intelligent writing style and I like his photographic techniques.

Pfunk's blog is the perfect example of a blog whose monetary rewards, do not reflect its true Steem value, this is one I tip to blow up after July 4th when a wider range of topics will be rewarded. But for now, he needs our support. Being a prolific poster, means that you'll always have something new to go and read on pfunk's blog, he has a personable style and I already know that he has an "irrational hatred of tap dancing."

Blog Style: Eclectic - Steem Help - Art - Photography - Music -

Why You Should Go There: To get info on a wide variety of subjects, that pfunk is knowledgeable about or links to credible sources.

Favourite Post: My review of The Book of Mormon

Highest Grossing Post: [Guide] Maximize your mining hashrate in Windows by mining Steem in a VM

#OSC Rating: 91%


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Bleepcoin is the whole reason I am sitting here writing a Steemit post and he is the reason I own Bitcoin and am enthused about the world of cryptocurrency.

It was his insight that drew me to this world, as time after time I ignored his little cryptotips, only to see them blow up afterwards. The final straw came when he tipped ETH at $1 and then showed me it about 6 or so months later at $15, I decided then that I would take the next tip he gave me.

His next tip was Bitcoin, he predicted around $800 by August and it looks like we're on track or even ahead of schedule for that.

He is finding his feet as a blogger and is adjusting from the style needed when on Twitter and the one needed on Steemit.

His cross promote, posts tend to be interesting videos about cryptocurrency and financial affairs in general, but recently he has made his writing more personable, and I can't wait to see more.

Blog Style: Observational - Cryptocurrency - Steem - Creative Writing

Why You Should Go There: To find out more about cryptocurrency, whether it is new tech or a new tip. Also to read his first forray into creative story writing and to encourage him to write more.

Favourite Post: Five Essential Cryptocurrency Podcasts For Steemers

Highest Grossing Post: I Almost Died

#OSC Rating: 94%


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Ellie has made a promising start to her Steemit life, she has got a great sense of humour and I can't wait to see more of it. Her humour is light and she clearly knows how to laugh at herself; as the moustache she's wearing in her introduce yourself, post, testifies to.

One of Ellie's post was from her previous blog, which she has verified as hers, however it is her original Steem content that I am dying to see more of; I think Ellie could well turn out to be our top comedian!

Blog Style: Observational humour

Why You Should Go There: To laugh at Ellie's, sometimes naughty, sense of humour :-D

Favourite Post: What's Your Favourite Halloween Costume?

Highest Grossing Post: Hi Steemit, I'm Ellie! Writer/ER worker/dog person

#OSC Rating: 91%

OK, that's it, I hope you enjoy these Steem unsung heroes; please feel free to link to your blog in the comments. If you'd like me to cover your blog in another post like this, just let me know below!


Till next time, take care.


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Absolutely wonderful post! I really appreciate you taking the time to read original content and your are right on point that: "we are in danger of becoming a homogenised site whereby, the rewards are causing more and more people to write about Steem"
I find myself a bit discouraged here sometimes when it seems like content about Steem is the only thing valued, but I think that will change after July 4th when a lot more people have Steem power and are able to weigh in more heavily when upvoting on non-Steem related content.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Have to agree with you on all points!

I'm crossing my fingers for a bigger #bbq next month too.

Ach! I can't believe I missed you BBQ! Steem started really slowing down when I was writing it, I was going to make it more than 10, but it became really difficult to browse the blogs. I have already thought of what the second one will be, so you will definitely be in there!



Hey CG, Awesome! Can't wait to see it.
I'm more of an beginner blogging enthusiast than a writer, so it's no big deal.
I guess your advice about relentless, shameless self promotion really does work!

I think it is important to realize that early on in a community (just like a marriage or any other significant relationship for that matter) it is easy to see a picture from a very truthful, but limited perspective. And why not? Because you are so happy! The energy, vigor and passion from one another seems to have more of an exponential rather than an additive effect...and people are get lost in the honeymoon phase.

I believe we are very much at this stage in the community where people are joining up and posting things like "i love steem" because they want to take advantage of that (and also validate themselves in the process). So you see them joining up and posting how awesome steem is (and also see people like me going crazy and posting things like this: ) it is because they genuinely think of how beautiful an idea it is...but also know it is quite likely to get some upvotes (putting more money in their pocket).

I think we will see it posts like that slowly lose the number of dollars earned after they lose their luster, but you will begin seeing more "evenly distributed" and at large lower payments distributed across the board over time. This is the honeymoon phase and we still need to delve into all the rules of the relationship, move into a place together, start figuring out how to pay the bills, sell ourselves (hopefully most often in a tasteful way, though something tells me the market will say otherwise) but most of all go through it together: learning and growing along the way.

You will eventually see people come in and gain significant amounts of influence and new whales will bring their own agendas. You will see people forming content creation groups and lobbying one another to upvote said content. You will see reputations scores based on various metrics that will make it possible to identify steemit heroes...the people who really make it valuable. And those people will become followed by masses of others who feel the same as they do...and those people will support and lobby for the content makers they follow.

There will be bots that help us automate paying out to those who we support and you will see both wealthy philanthropists and talented artists with little wealth eventually reach levels of influence that can sustainably fund movements...

I am a baby baluga so my movements dont pay peoples bills, but I can tell you from a place of certainty that I have the hope to pay out awesome contributions and that I am probably far from being alone because most of the people involved in steemit have been involved in bitshares for a long time and have sacrificed a great deal. These people are the types of people you know are the roots of the tree because they have largely selflessly created and sustained one of the most powerful technologies the world has ever seen. Though the initial fund distribution was intended to help the community that made the Graphene toolkit possible and help give something back to those who have worked so hard...these are the people you WANT at the helm early on.

I feel so optimistic about this project at this point, but we are in for many growth cycles (and the highs and lows they bring) :)

What a great post and analysis Fuzzy :-)

Like I said, I didn't want to come off like I was dissing the system or the people on it, I have done lots of Steem writing myself and in fact this post, is a Steem post!

I just wanted to give a gentle nudge and say, hey look over there! There's some interesting stuff happening, if we already had a share to timeline option, or extra promote or tip. I probably wouldn't have done this post and just rewarded the people I see, but I felt that a vote and a comment was not enough of a reward for their efforts. So I thought, let me try and help them get more viewers :-)




You're welcome, I really enjoyed making this, because I had to take time to read at least 3 posts on each blog, so I got to familiarise myself with the writers. The only annoying thing was the voting and comments weren't working properly, so I couldn't spread the love as much as I wanted to.


Thank you so much for your feedback @anwenbaumeister .

That is why I wrote it for people like you, there are some people, like connorcorcoran for instance, who have just one post with a couple of dollars and it makes me sad that somebody who had something to say, has come and gone.

Hang in there, I think you're right, after the 4th it will be better, but it's good to prepare for then and start to upvote non-Steem related content. Although there is a LOT of quality Steem content and it definitely deserves to be voted up as well :-).


i really like the idea of #herosofsteem .. i will try to create a suited graphic when get time to .. great initiative as well @CryptoGee

Yes, that I want to see! :-)



Thanks so much. Just returned from the beach and the tent has been put to bed! You've made my day. Thanks for taking the time out to find all of us. Cheers.

No worries :-) I could do with some beach time... :-)


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My STEEM friend, Thank You very much for doing this!
While I read through your post and then saw that you listed me as a Unsung Hero... a radiant smile came across my face! Your assessment regarding my time lapse on STEEM is spot on. I still haven't had a chance to post on the, ohh so popular #introduction thread. I'm hoping I can achieve that within the next day or two, which will explain my sporadic AWOL nature LOL.
Once again, Thank you!!
I feel honored!

Cool AJ, my pleasure!

I can't wait to see that #introduceyourself post, I'm suspecting there's a personality in there that I'm really going to like (no pressure :-) )


I am honored and humbled to be mentioned on this post! I know some of the other excellent members mentioned and they certainly deserve to get more attention. I'll be visiting the others, and look forward to reading their content.

Best wishes to you, and thanks for this wonderful post!

My pleasure Kenny, I love your enthusiasm and I'm hoping there's more in the pipeline!


I did not expect to be a part of your post cryptogee. As I was reading, I thought what a wonderful idea this is and clicked on all the links to read/watch and up vote. I was so touched to be mentioned! Thank you.

You're welcome, your posts have really entertained me, so I had to put you in there, even though I was trying to target lower earners. I still felt it was fair though and I want to read more of you!


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hahaha I just found this, thanks for the flattery (and the exposure)!

My OC ratio is definitely not as good as many here. When I started posting on Steemit there were only posts referencing Steem itself pretty much. I decided to treat it like Reddit at first, posting links to things I thought were interesting. I think the first post I decided to put a little more effort and research into was this one: https://steemit.com/history/@pfunk/victory-way-a-pyramid-of-german-pickelhaubes-from-wwi-in-front-of-grand-central-station

I don't even think you can see it if you go far back on my account page's blog list. Before making my most recent post I went through all the blog-like posts I've made and added the tag #pfunkblog so the ones I'm proud of have a home all to their own.

Hee hee, no worries :-)

Wow, that post!!!

I've just left a comment on it, that is remarkable, I love hearing about shit like that, it's so mega and massive, that you'd think we'd all just naturally know about it, like the Titanic.

But you've uncovered a real gem there, I'll be telling people about this one; cheers :-D.


Thanks for this. As a newbie myself, I've had fun reading @benjojo Hi, ben ;) and @kenny-crane posts. Would go check out the others. Would like a feedback from you. Personal though :)

Cool! I definitely will, it takes so much time to read and critique, but I enjoy it; so will feedback to you as soon as I can :-)



Thanks! I am starting to build my list of "follows" and your post came just in time!

Excellent, glad to be of service! :-)

Namaste, kudos, and thought for you and your family.

thx for the props gee!

My pleasure bleeps, like I said, none of this would have been possible without your advice.



wow! You really outdid yourself! This was amazing. I love the image, whose is it?
The global brain thing mixed with Steemit is brilliant!!!!!!
Ellie is a writer I dragged here from Medium. On Twitter, I literally told her to get her ass over here. I told other writers the same thing, but she's the only one that came here quickly.
She's my favorite writer on that platform. I'm also trying to get Alana Massey who works for a big time publisher, I forget which one, but I think it's the The New Yorker. But writers are paid so little. It's ridiculous.

Cool, thanks Stella :-), I have been really entertained by a lot of posts on Steem and quite often I'm sitting here thinking, damn, I wish I could share this to other Steemites or give an extra vote or tip. So this is my way of (hopefully) helping and encouraging great content that's not making enough money.

The image is from http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/truth-about-algorithms-and-why-you-should-expect-see-more-them

I searched the term social algorithm and lots of interesting images came up!

Yeah, I can't wait to read more of Ellie, I can just sense that she's going to make me laugh a lot; I love her Tina, from Bob's Burgers, costume.


me too. She's one of those people who should be uber famous but is not! I don't know why!

I just got home and this is the first thing i read! Appreciate it fam! Awesome post.

Excellent Stino :-). I hope it works and gets you more attention, you definitely deserve it :-).


Good article!
I suspect that @ajvest is a sockpuppet. I may be wrong though.

Really; what makes you say that? I'm so clueless with a lot of these things :-)


Just guess. The fuzzyvest account has an official account officialfuzzy, so ajvest may have another official account.

Thank you for this very worthwhile project. If you and others keep up posts to that tag (heroesofsteem) I will definitely be checking it out.

My pleasure, yes, that's my hope, that others add to it, I have already thought of so many more people and posts that should be in this category.