Potential Payout Changes with HF 19 Launch

in hf19 •  8 years ago 

I have gotten a lot of questions from people about the potential impacts of HF 19 on payments. I would like to clarify as best I can.

I want to make one thing clear though - I have tried to understand this as much as I can, but there is still a lot of uncertainty with how this will all play out. There is complex math that is over my head, and there are unpredictable changes in user behavior that could make things go either way. Nothing in this post is 100% for certain.

  1. The hardfork is not resetting the rewards pool again. Payouts are not going to go down to zero again, like they did after HF 17/18.
  2. At the time of the hardfork, all active posts (posts that have not received payout yet) will be switched over to the new linear rewards curve formula. Potential payouts will change. Most likely what we will see (this is not known for sure) is that posts that have received a lot of larger votes will likely go down in value, and posts with lots of smaller/medium sized votes will likely go up in value.
  3. The total amount that is paid out in the days/weeks right after the hardfork may fluctuate as the blockchain re-calibrates the voting averages using the new curve. It is possible that there may be a dip in reward payouts, but nothing as extreme as HF 17/18.
  4. The whale voting experiment will be ending once the HF occurs, so whales may start voting with full voting power again. This also may affect the total amount that is paid out as the blockchain re-calibrates to the increase in voting power being used.
  5. After the HF occurs and payouts are on a linear formula, a user with 1,000 MV of voting power will now only have 1,000 times as much voting power as a user with 1 MV (instead of 1,000 * 1,000 = 1,000,000 times as much). Users who do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of SP are likely going to see a boost in the amount of influence that they have on the site.
  6. Casual users (who vote less than 40 times per day) are going to get additional influence, as they will be able to consume all of their voting power in 10 votes per day. The trade-off for this is that the users who take the time to find 40 good posts in a day will see a drop in influence.

My personal view is that this HF will be a big improvement for the long-term health of the platform. New users want to feel empowered and that they can increase their influence on the site by buying/earning more SP. This is key for growth.

See you all on the other side :)

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While this may be good for casuals, it sounding bad for usual users.

Good that abusing whales will loose power though.

It is a trade off for sure. I am of the view that having more value for increasing the amount of SP that you have on the low-end of the spectrum is going to be one of the key drivers of the STEEM price.

The dilution of whale power ever so slightly will lead to more mobility in the Steem price for sure - the Steem price is one to get on before the hard fork. Lets hoover up all that cheap Steem before the minnows start biting!

I always thought it was an issue of fairness.

Im sorry but in what way whales loose their power?

I'm all prepared for a massive drop in influence! My VP is currently averaging ~50% from a couple hours of curation every day, so ready to see it dip down into single digits within a few hours of HF19. Sadly, this hardfork means the death of active curation and collaborative curation. With 60,000 posts and comments to vote on, 10 is basically nothing. Will be 100,000 soon, the rate at which it's growing. When the HF19 was proposed, this number was 10,000. So it's a very flawed limit, really.

All power to the casual minnows, then! I just hope they don't keep piling on votes for Trending articles / auto-vote bots etc. (They probably will)

This will be a very significant change. I was linked to a trending post that misunderstands the change. The voting landscape is such that a majority of the votes come from minnows and dolphins; most whales are inactive. (even before the experiment) Essentially, the minnows will start squeezing dolphins and whales from the reward pool.

You can solve the 10 votes problem by lowering your voting power.

With 2 MV I am not a dolphin by any means but I will keep targeting posts with a small amount of votes. One month after HF 19 I will re-evaluate my voting strategy and the ratio of my liquid steem vs my vested steem. Let's see how this works out.

That's the best way to do it! Vote on posts with low rewards that are great and have a chance of getting more votes.

You should be able to say vote with 25% instead of the now 100% power and other than the square difference it should still be the same no? Just a thought. Use 1/4 of the power you would normally use.

Like I mentioned elsewhere, yes, but my influence is being diminished. Either way, it's beneficial to take your voting power down as low as possible, as each vote costs less the lower your VP.

those who has high VP will have to start from the beginning after HF19. The voting strategy would change. target would be those post which has fewer rewards/votes.

I like this and might try

It is a hard decision to make between the power-curators and the casual users. In a way, it is a zero-sum game between the two parties (in the context of this parameter). I do agree that this is a big hit for people like you that take the time to actively curate. I know there is a lot of doom and gloom surrounding the HF, but I don't think it is going to be as devastating as people are making it out to be. We need people to take the time to hunt out good content, but we also need a large user base to feel involved with the site. Being able to vote on content and influence rewards is one of the biggest aspects of the site, and it needs to be something that is appealing to the masses.


Nothing in this post is 100% for certain.

that's scary for #1 then

am curious about what the effects of #4 and #5 would be.
Thank you for this post!

that's scary for #1 then

For #1, I am 99.999% sure :)

am curious about what the effects of #4 and #5 would be.

Me too!

I'm optimistic, and understand why these changes were made. My only concern is that now that minnows have orders of magnitude increase in influence, they need to be aware about how the curation rewards system works. Since my posts on curation rewards, I've chat with dozens of newbies both here and chat, and it seems painfully obvious most would simply pile on the votes for trending posts thinking that's where the rewards are.

I'd consider leaving comments and downvotes on overrewarded posts urging minnows to curate responsibly after HF19. I know that'll be extremely unpopular, and I'm happy to stop blogging for a bit as this will make me vulnerable to flags en masse. But I believe it is crucial that if the power were given to the community, they be aware about the system and learn to curate responsibly. My posts don't get much attention, I'd be grateful if more influencers like yourself get the message across. :)

With Subcommunities, discoverability will increase a great deal, so I'm not worried about posts being lost like they are now.

PS: Whales have to learn to delegate responsibly as well, and not just their friends.

PPS: I'd like to see a dynamic voting target that scales with activity. Making 10 votes will be no good when the community has a million posts.

I like your "PPS" idea to set voting targets based on activity. I read a lot of posts and leave a lot of comments, as well as votes. And I vote at my maximum power for all those posts and comments. I guess I'll have to set my vote power to some percentage to have the same impact after HF19.

You make a good point, too, about minnows upvoting trending posts, especially since we have so many new folks coming on board. If the subcommunities come pretty soon, it might be all right. But until then, oh boy, we may be in for some surprises.

One of the mistakes newbies make is voting on everything like they're on FaceBook. I speak from my own experience here. The tendency is to start off upvote click happy, until you really start reading up and understanding how SteemIt differs from other social media sites. It takes a while to get the brain to shift into being upvote selective, especially when you bounce off here and back over to one of the other sites.

That's true. But then when people get the vote power slider, many go the other way and just put 1% of their vote power on everything -- and have almost no effect again. But that's part of what makes Steemit interesting. There's so much going on, it's like a whole ecosystem.

That is interesting. I haven't reached a level where the vote slider has appeared, so I hadn't given any thought to that side of the equation.

Is there any benefit to the voter in reducing the vote power like that?


It's just that it lowers the rate of using up your voting power. That means you can spread more around to more posts or comments. But each vote is then worth less. Some folks go crazy and set all their votes to 1%. But that means they would have to vote 400 times a day to use all their vote power. And they don't. So they just leave unused voting power in the payout pool, rather than distributing it around.

If you want to collaborate on a 'newbie friendly' guide to curation, I can work on getting it up on the Quick Start Guide. I agree that user education on what to do vs. what not to do would go a long way.

Sure, though I don't know how much we need to load that Welcome page? I'd be happy to collaborate, either way.

There is a section near the bottom with helpful posts from users. We can add it there (assuming the Steemit dev team approves). If you want to send me a draft over steemit.chat I'll review and provide feedback/edits. I think it would be a great post!

That's the best way to do it! Vote on posts with low rewards that are great and have a chance of getting more votes.

Edit: Really weird Steemit bug, the one where the vote seems to go on the comment below. Looks like the comment text box also got caught out by that. Meant to reply to the comment above this by onthewayout.

Resteem :D

You do realize that the voting power slider will still be there? After HF just use 25% power to get current 100% vote. Or am I missing something?

It's a limited reward pool, using 25% means your influence is diminished compared to the curator who continues voting at 100%. So, those voting more will start to get crowded out of the reward pool as their VP diminishes fast.

Yes, You are right. Actually, it seems that this HF has lowered the power of dolphins and whales both in quality and quantity.

This is something that I dont understand much. Can you enlighten me?

I'm still going to curate as much as I can manually... and I'll probably be casting many votes at 20% instead of full voting power. And I will try my best to find worthy lower reward content to bring it up.

I have no idea where my current +/- 11 MV fits in the greater context of whether I will feel like I have more or less influence... but hey, I believe in what Steemit is, and as long as the implementation of HF19 doesn't result in a complete clusterf*ck, it seems like it will benefit the platform in the long run.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Liniair curve I very much welcome.
10 votes per day I think should not have been implemented. Regardless of the fact the VP can be set to some percentage, eg 25% for 40 votes per day.
Trending page: yep, users like to vote for high value posts. I don't know the reasons, but money attracts money, I think that is one of the reasons, regardless what the results are. Another reason could be that those who are on the trending page are users with high influence and SP and a whole bunch of Steemians are trying to get the attention of the users in the top of the value and influence pyramid. I never analysed the voters but too be honest, I think there is quite a few voting ongoing towards same level and higher up SP users. Too many posts of small SP holders go unnoticed; Too many vote bots on high SP holders posts. I wish bots could be prevented.

Same authors will be settling on trending page with much bigger rewards. I wonder what would be the effect of this to the price of steem.

Casual users (who vote less than 40 times per day) are going to get additional influence, as they will be able to consume all of their voting power in 10 votes per day.

This is an urban legend!

If you lose 2% of your voting power for each upvote at full power, after 10 votes in quick succession, your voting power will be 81.7% (0.9810 ~ 0.817).

I could have made it more clear. Users who vote more than 10 times per day do not use up all of their voting power. They just use it up at a rate faster than it replenishes. After the HF, ten 100% votes per 24 hours (or twenty 50%.. etc) would be the optimal use of voting power so that the user does not run out, and still uses the maximum number of votes.

After the HF, ten 100% votes per 24 hours (or twenty 50%.. etc) would be the optimal use of voting power so that the user does not run out, ...

Well, here is the thing: your voting power does not go down by an absolute 2%, but it goes down by 2% of your current voting power.
So, if your voting power is 50%, after one vote at full power (after HF19), your voting power becomes 49%, not 48%.

So, if after HF19 you vote 20 times at full power every day, your voting power will not "run out", but it will stay around 60%.
20 votes is putting your voting power t 66.7% of its value (0.9820 ~ 0.667) and 60% x 66.7% is 40%, that is exactly 20% less, that you will get back automatically in 24 hours.

Something about your explanation seems off, but I will review.

Well, for 20 upvotes at full power per day, 60% is the initial voting power that you have every day when you do your 20 upvotes in rapid succession.

When you want to do your 20 upvotes at the same voting power, you need to space them equally, and your voting power will be 50% for each upvote:
From voting power 50%, after one upvote, your voting power is 49%. After 1 hour and 12 minutes (= one day/20), your voting power is back to 50% and you may vote again.

These are the two extremes: 50% and 60%.

I discussed it with someone who is a lot smarter than me on curation and you are right. I appreciate you helping to clarify this!

so HF19 prefers an user who made 242354325 free accounts in early days than 1 guy who bought 242354325 STEEM worth of USD/BTC ?

this is crazy to me.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The number of accounts doesn't matter. It purely looks at the SP. most likely the posts on the lower end of the payout spectrum will be making more post HF, and the ones currently on the higher end will be making less. Sorry if the wording I used in the post was confusing.

Thanks Tim , resteeming this one - I'm both excited and terrified at what's about to happen here :P

@ats-david has some interesting thoughts, I've been following his anti-fork posts. They seem well reasoned from an egalitarian point of view.

Will 25% voting power after HF19 be less in SBD than 100% now?

As far as voting strength, 25% after the HF will be the same as 100% today. As far as the amount of SBD it is worth, that part is a complicated formula and it is not really possible to say without a lot more information. In some cases it will be more, in some cases it will be less.

Thanks for the update and explanation, Tim. I feel hopeful that it will all work out for the best... and that the linear rewards curve will automatically take over where the whale no-vote experiment leaves off. I feel a little concerned that there will be less incentive to curate... but I guess only time will tell.


I hope that this amendment will make the payout. It is sad to see quality content only cents. The frustration among the new users is on the increase.

Success takes time and is earned. I understand the frustration at earning .01 for my posts, but I persevere.

That is the right attitude to take. One quality post may earn only a few cents but at the same time attract 3 to 4 followers. Once you have more followers your payout will slowly increase.

Perseverance is the key to success.

New users need to put their skin in the game, so start commenting, engaging, and building a base of followers WHILE posting and doing all that, and those that are in it to make a quick buck from curating or writing an opinionated article offering at best regurgitated phrases and examples and little to any substance in the form of critical thought and facts, or spamming on other topics, or simply spamming "good article", they aren't in the same game as everyone else.

and they should buy some steem power too.

Rome is not built in one day and success at Steemit require both hard work and patience. Where possible new users can be given some assistance to help them succeed.

I feel pretty good about my content and some of it only pays pennies. The thing is that not all good content takes a long time and not all content that takes a long time is good, and even if your content is good, you may be sending it to the wrong audience. So when I get 9c for a post that I worked hard on, I dont take it personally.

This is a good attitude to take. Building reputation and followers take time. We should take a long term outlook.

Just like any investment, social media is always a long-game. Luckily though we're early enough that we get to enjoy / provide for a rich community.

In this case, the early birds really get cans and cans of worms.

THANK YOU @ positivesteem, I've only been on here for the past three days, and I've posted a few articles and seen many different amounts of potential payout and have the same amount of upvotes/comments etc. Is there a reason for this? Followed @timcliff and @positivesteem. Keep up the good work!

It's partially because, in the last 2 weeks, active daily authors has moved up by 6x. Price has only doubled.

That's a reduction to 1/3rd of the previous available rewards prior to 6/1, if evenly distributed. I suspect either Steem will have to rise in price, or we will lose a lot of these new accounts to this frustration soon. (Then again, can we really expect more than a few pennies for content when we are new with no following?)

Yes there is a reason for the different payout amounts even though your posts may each have the same amount of votes. It's because it depends on WHO is upvoting your posts and how much Steem Power and status that they have. Otherwise you could just create 100s of accounts and vote up your own posts and get rich.

Not all votes are equal.1 vote by a whale may give more payout than 10 votes by minnows.

I agree... @timcliff should accept rewards on his posts, unless it is one picture, one video or one sentence. But the thought that goes into these posts deserve compensation for time spent creating it.

I get compensated through my witness payments. When I post something expressing my views as a witness, I feel like accepting payment is 'double dipping'. I make more than enough from my non-witness blog posts as well as my witness pay, that any work that I put in to the platform 'unpaid' is still well worth it.

I am a noob here and I have to admit this is a lot to take in. But I love how complex this community is and how everyone here is striving to make it better by imagining and discussing together to create the best social media experience for content creators and viewers/lurkers. I am not sure what is to come of this HF19, but I enjoy reading about it and I enjoy reading everyone's comments even more. Thank you for the informative post.

Dont worry, Im also having hard times understanding all the discussions here. There just to complicated for me :)

thank you for the explaination @timcliff . that is a great news for a new user like me to get a feeling like having a better influence toward comunity more over to those who we really connected to (new user with small SP).

Very informative post. I still am getting used to the current payout patterns, so this change should be ok for me. For all you guys and gals that have been here a long time, is it harder to remember the new system?

The MVest thing is what still gets me. But I'll continue to learn. These posts have been super helpful to me . . . so thanks.

It's wonderful to see all the voices that spoke about this finally get their wishes granted! You are right: the health of Steemit will have new vitality and longevity.

true that

This is a lot of good information.

I'm glad that payouts aren't resetting... obviously.

Overall it sounds like a generally better deal for accounts with lots of less influential people following them.

We will see how it goes! :D

Just found this - interesting how it is playing out so far!

Agreed :)

Will it stay like this you think for the long term? Will have a crazy flock of people joining soon if so!

I think it will find an equilibrium lower than it is right now, but higher than it was pre-HF. Not sure where that will be though.

Its always good to see a good write about about things that are changing. Its gets very annoying seeing speculative posts that you can tell they read nothing about the upcoming updates. Once again good post @timcliff

@timcliff thank you for the "Tips for New Members" post. There are many of us who are new here and I'm glad I could help and participate.

I'm excited to see how the HF works and am anxious to be able to curate a little bit more. Cheers!

I will just keep posting original content and enjoying how much better steemit is compared to any other social media platform. The price will be a good indication of how successful the fork is.

Very promising! Thank you!

Why do they need to make so many hardforks? Couldn't they think things through for a month and implement changes at once and then rethink again six months later? I mean 19 hardforks in about one year is a lot.

It is a new platform, and they are looking to improve things. There is nothing wrong with hardforking if it improves the platform.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong or that things shouldn't be improved, I'm just saying they could be making a list of changes and apply them every 6 months, you know how stressful number 17 was and people left because of it, then this 19 comes along only a few weeks later, who can say it won't cause more trouble ? Would it not be better to have the changes happen at once maybe every 6 months? Then I would know ok, it will stall or any other problem but it won't happen again until 6 months.

The majority of the people in the community are actually pushing for the exact opposite. People don't want huge forks with tons of changes. They would rather have lots of smaller ones broken up.

Did you make a poll?

It is discussed informally (not via an actual 'poll'). If you look at a lot of the past @steemitblog announcements regarding HFs there are a lot of users complaining about too many changes in the HFs and how it should be broken down into many smaller ones.

I remember reading these. Also, a plethora of big changes makes it hard to pin down what goes wrong... or right.

It's a bit different than other hf I think. This is more of a republic with the size of the user base, and changes are wished for all the time. These HF are more like tweaks to get things perfected

Great post. Sharing this on twitter

thank you for explaining this in a clear manner.


Thanks for the insights. It helps. Still fuzzy, but it helps.

Hey thanks for the update, we're new here so this is really good to know info :)

Cool, hope this turns out for good... So this means a post with 200 votes of minnows can make a decent payout instead of the 2$ it usually do?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't know how much of a change it will be, but that's the idea.

that would be cool...

Thank you so much for the info; another helpful post, easy to understand. Personally, I'm looking forward to the changes.

Me too.

Very good post!

In your post.
Casual users (who vote less than 40 times per day) are going to get additional influence, as they will be able to consume all of their voting power in 10 votes per day.

I think im voting more than 50 per day, it can loose my voting power and influence?

Once you reach a certain level of SP you will be able to vote with less than 100% strength. Until then you can still vote as often as you like, but if you vote more than the daily replenish rate you will be automatically voting with less than 100% power after you deplete your voting power.

Being new here, can someone elaborate further how good or bad this is to me?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If you stop back and read the comments in the post, there will probably be some good discussion over the next 12-24 hours.

Alrighty, will do.

Good analysis @timcliff

let's see how this will roll out.

Can you give an example how much a post of let's say $500 will lose approximately after the hardfork?

No. I wish it were that easy to break down :) Depending on the votes on the post (a few big votes vs. lots of little ones) as well as a number of other factors, it could go up or down.

how dramatically do you think? 50% per say?

Sorry, I don't really know. I don't think it will be that much though.

some whales seemed pretty pissed about this. Said it was the end of steemit and it all goes to shit. As a minnow I have no idea how this will effect me.

Thank you @Timcliff...very informative post. I'm glad to realize that even seasoned veterans and knowledgeable people such as yourself also don't know exactly how the changes will play out. It's a work in progress. if things go well, seems like it should be very positive.

Thanks for giving users an easy to understand summary of the upcoming hardfork and its applications. It seems much harder than it should be for many users to keep up the changes that will occur from changes. Thanks again!

Thanks @timcliff

When is it going to start

11:00 AM EDT 06/20/17

Ok thnks

Excellent post lord @timclif very interesting and practical, as always I hope that these new changes are beneficial for both users and plaaforma, thank you very much for sharing this information
Have a great day

Thanks @jlufer - same to you! :)

Great post. Thanks for doing this. It really helps to see the possible effects laid out like this. You have earned, and continue to earn, my witness vote :)

Thanks @jrcornel - appreciate the continued support :)

It will take some getting used to, but it sounds like an improvement over the current system

Thank you for taking the time to outline this and thanks for making the note about voting for witness. I'm a new user and while I've invested a ton of time and energy finding my way around Steemit there's so much here to learn and understand it's easy to miss things. Just voted you for witness and I'm hoping all goes well with HF 19. Here's to HF 19 being great for the community as a whole. There's something very special happening here and I'm excited to be a part of it as it grows.

Cool, thanks! :)

Sounds like I'm gonna have to step up my game huh... Also I hope your magic wand doesn't lose its power 😝. Keep the helpful posts coming! Take my .003 cent cent upvote payout!

With the upcoming changes, your influence should actually get a boost :)

I shall use that power wisely!

Amazing post friend, thanks for enlightening us :)

@timcliff, i want to translate your post into turkish language for the turkish community, with mention and link to this post, is that ok for you?

Yes :)

@timcliff Can you clarify what you mean by "they will be able to consume all of their voting power in 10 votes per day"? After 10 votes of 2% they still have 81.7% voting power left. So you probably mean that after HF19 with 10 full powered votes their power is back to 99% after 24 hours or something?

Yes. Currently if you vote with exactly 40 100% strength votes every 24 hours, you will deplete your voting power at the same rate that it gets replenished. If you vote more than that, you will deplete your voting power at a faster rate than it replenishes. After the HF, that amount will be changing from 40 to 10.

But it always takes 5 days to replenish. So do you know the exact figure (the voting power after 24 hours when you stop voting at 81.7%)? It can never be 100% in 24 hours, right?

Sorry, I am not an expert at the math. All I know is that it replenishes at a constant rate, and if you vote exactly 40 times within 24 hours, you will not use it at a rate faster than it recharges.

No it replenishes exponentially! The lower your voting power is, the faster it replenishes. But no matter how far your voting power is under 100%, it will always take 5 days to get back to 100%.

Unless something has changed that i'm not aware of...

I admit I am not an expert on this, but I don't remember it ever working that way.

I'm certain that's the way it worked when i researched it (probably about 9 months ago), but i can't confirm if they altered the algorithm since. I'd have to do an experiment to confirm, but i'm rather busy currently :(

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is bad news... we are essentially already in the hard fork period, so the behavior common today will carry over for the active posts. This isn't fun, nor expected. The monetary rewards estimate shouldn't be doing a step-jump at the moment of hardfork. Lots of folks are going to get dinged negatively and be upset. Will this be overshadowed by the others who get a bump? I don't think so.

For all I know, I will get a bump up... but uncertainty killed the squid. or something. LOL.

That's one of the main reasons I created the post.

Hey @timcliff, may I ask where you got that photo?

Did you use that photo to discuss kiwifruit?

Why did you pick that photo?

Who took that photo?

How much money, if any, did it cost to obtain that photo?

Can I use that photo on my blog and make money on it?

http://www.pixabay.com. All images are CCO licensed and free to use.

Well, I had noticed that you hadn't said what the source of the image was. And you know what? A lot of Steemians have a hard time finding public domain and/or Creative Common sharable images. In fact, there are many who just copy and paste images, wherever they find them, into their Steem Blog. And some people "borrow" fellow Steemian photos for their own use if the image goes along with their new post.

That's why I just made a post about the issue. I've been working on it all week. Wouldn't it be great if you could have found an image made by a fellow Steemian? Imagine if you were going to receive a few hundred dollars from a post, and you shared in reverse... meaning a few dollars from your earnings went to the Stock Photographer who took it?

Sound like an interesting idea? Steem is about sharing the rewards, why not share the rewards for a stock photo with a Steemian photographer? There would need to be a Steem Stock Photos place, first to find those great images, so check out my idea about it. Thanks!

I'm so excited to see the effects of HF19. I think the higher payout posts might still get their high payouts (though maybe a bit lower), because smaller fishes follow bigger fishes in their votes, so besides the high numbers in potential payout, they also have high numbers in votes. Still, it will be interesting to see if things even out a bit.

With this new change, I think we'll feel closer to the whales and gaining more SP will feel much more empowering. That is a great thing to happen :-)

Thank you for explaining things! It's all really quite confusing and all most of us can do is guess to what the end results will be.

This all seems way over my head right now, as I've only just joined Steemit 10 days ago. I'm going to follow @timcliff @liberosist @ausbitbank @cryptofreedom @rossenpavlov68 @kingscrown @baah @hossary and @michaeladamparis since you all seem to know what I need to learn!

I think I read somewhere, you will be able to decide how much of your Voting Power you wanna spend per vote. Correct?

Once you reach a certain amount of STEEM POWER, you get to decide on how much of your voting power to spend per vote. There is more info on how that works in the FAQ.

Yeah, I remember reading that with HF you will be able to do that at any level, I can't find the source though, so I may be incorrect.

I've been reviewing the changes for the HF and I don't remember seeing that in there. It is possible that I missed it, but I'm 99% sure it is not being changed.

Yeah, I think you're correct.

Is there a number on this 'certain amount of Steem Power'?

If so, should Steemians serious about the platform without this number of SP currently consider buying in to this amount to provide them with more voting flexibility?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

There is. I don't know what it is though. The last time I checked it was 500 SP, but I don't know if that amount has gone down. It is up to you. If you don't mind waiting a bit, you can earn 500 SP within a few months of good posting. If you are really eager to get the slider though, then it might be worth it :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm at around 450, due to buying in recently. I've checked chainbb and the slider is there, just seems there is no easy way to get updated on your followed posts - the folks who id be keen on upvoting.

Would be great to have this amount confirmed for slider activation on steemit!

Yeah, after the next hardfork (on Tuesday) I'll look into whether the slider threshold on steemit.com can be lowered.

So, I boosted my SP to 500 last night and ta-da! Slider 😁 I've blogged about it this morning for posterity! https://steemit.com/hf19/@abh12345/hf19-pulling-the-ladder-up-or-more-encouragement-for-minnows-to-buy-steem-targeting-500-steem-power


It's key imo for users not engaging on chainbb.

If/when I can manage my voting power I'll be able to continue distributing to my feeders (you, stephenkendal, surfermarly, ex, Stella, kylin, etc), my blog commentors, and the up and coming which equals 40/50 votes a day.

The trade-off for this is that the users who take the time to find 40 good posts in a day will see a drop in influence.

Quick question: What is influence? Thanks for the article.

The more influence you have, the more your upvotes will add to the potential payout of a post.

Thanks, I thought that was determined by Steem power? How about reputation? Does that do anything?

Yes, it is based on STEEM POWER. Reputation score does not affect payouts.

Great explanation of the potential changes to come with HF 19 @timcliff. Let's hope that the new linear reward system works out well for everyone on Steemit, including the minnows. Nonetheless it will probably take a week or so after the 20th for the overall aftermath of HF-19 to be accurately accessed - so stay calm everyone and keep on STEEMing!

thank you for telling about witness voting as i really dont know about me and its now i understand how we have to vote and whom to vote.


This is great for dolphins.

looking forward to the changes and to see what it looks like :)

I gotta say, I'm just a minnow ridin the waves at this point. I guess there's a level of safety in being small on this HF. Hope it goes well for everyone though, and I cant wait to see where the currents take us!

This is a great post, thanks!

why your payout declined ?

Agreed 100% Tim! Excited to see this HF play out myself...

Yep tim i agree!

Tim, thanx for taking the time to explain this to us beginners. I'm still pretty fuzzy on many aspects of the steemit community and its inner workings - I was luck to get out of high school calculus alive and that was over 40 years ago when my brain was still relatively agile 😉. Resteemed for wider distribution


I'm curious about the 10 vs 40 votes. I'm guessing the reduction was informed by user behavior?

Are there some available metrics for this?

Thanks for giving us your thoughts. It's nice to hear at least one optimistic view about HF19 ;)

I think the idea behind it is to find the right balance between an active user still not being able to consume all of their voting power, and requiring users to at least do some distribution of their votes. There is a good argument to be made that 40 is too high (I think there are a lot of users that struggle to find 40 good things to vote on per day). 10 may be too far on the other extreme, but it is really hard to say.

I suspect 40 votes is too high as well. I would like to see my upvote button split into 3-4 upvote strengths. This would remind me that I can customize my vote strength and reduce the amount of actions needed to use it.

Thank you for explaining, I'm a noob so I am learning

Ok I guess we'll just have to wait and see what actually happens but if we see it benefiting everyone more fairly then it will definitely be good for the long term.

Thanks for the Steem, Tim! Really appreciate it

Thans for this - makes some things clearer - much appreciated

#Fork model gets clear and clean to me :-)

I make so many more votes that 10 per day. I'll have to get used to not voting at full power, lol. I hadn't thought about how new folks might be chasing the trending posts. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out. And what happens to the reward pool sounds like it might be a surprise, too. That's what I like about Steemit -- it's always trying new things.

Thank you for the details. It seems like HF-19 will be a significant improvement!

Great Post. You should have taken the money, you earned it on this one.

Thanks :)

I will still be curationg a lot and we can still use the voting power slider to vote 40 times a day. for the longterm health of the platform this might help and steem price might go up even higher

Yes, correct :)

Hello @timcliff, what does it mean when the "potential payout" has all zeros and an over strike going through it, as is the case with this post? At first I thought it was the age of the post, payout having been made at 7 days, but I see many posts WAY past the 7 day mark that appear to be still "gaining steem" (pardon the pun). Do some posts wait longer to payout than others?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It means that the author declined payout on the post. Posts are not eligible for payout after 7 days.


"....posts with lots of smaller/medium sized votes will likely go up in value." \o/

Followed and upvoted !follow Back please

It doesn't work this way in Steemit.

Who the hell is in charge of this complete and utter Madness ?

I'm not sure what you mean.