Downvotes are here..... understanding HF21

in hf21 •  6 years ago 


If you want an free downvote then ask for it. It is absolutely free😅😅😂

Hey guys,

HF21 is online and working properly. So this blog is completely delegated to steem for this major changes so let’s discuss the changes in short which will effect the users and which is completely visible.


So if you are still not aware with the things then the rewards distribution system is now changed.
Let’s understand this.
When you post an blog and when it’s get upvote then it is basically divided in two type of rewards first is author and second is curation.
Author rewards goes to the blog creator and curation goes to the person who upvotes your blog earlier then any other.

So now understand this,
Before HF21
the rewards are distributed like 75% to author and 25% to curator.
So understand this if your blog or post earn 100$ then 75$ is belongs to you the author and 25$ is belong to curator.

But after HF21,
The rewards are redesigned and this is now 50-50 for both curators and authors.

Let’s understand this also it’s an short term thing,
If you post something before HF21 and your payout is placed in HF21 then the rewards will be given in regards HF21 like 50-50.
Fairly this effects me I promote my post I hoping for some profit but my payout is 50-50. I suffered lose of 50 steem and it’s effects a lot to me.

And one more this before HF21 curation window open after 15 minutes and after HF21 it is 5 minutes.
So understand this with that if you are willing to get curation rewards then you can earn this rewards after 15 minutes before HF21 and now it is 5 minutes.
So upvote post after 5 minutes now if you are willing to get curation not after 15 minutes which is before HF21.

Complicated things you can upvote after 15 minutes or also after 1 day but the conditions is that post doesn’t got that much rewards and after your upvote if that posts earning is going to increase then you are going to get curation rewards.
So you can upvote after 15 minutes but the. Curation window will open after 5 minutes.

If you are willing to understand HF21 in deep then refer this blog

Thanks for your time.

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