Kindness For Free Day!

in hhg12 •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here's the thing, being kind costs us nothing!! So, why then do we need an excuse to be kind? The answer is PRIDE. We somehow in our own heads exalt ourselves higher than the next person. We give ourselves more value and more credit.

Instead of giving other the benefit we withhold it from them! Isn't this then also a kind of GREED? I would suggest, YES!!, - and the worst kind, because their is absolutely nothing we can do with being self-kindness, that's just being "full of yourself"; self-exaltation, self-idolatry! (Ouch! Did I just say that... This blog is taking on a life of it's own - but I'm running with it) Greed, that leads to self- corruption and deprives the next person of the dignity of being shown love and appreciation.

So since, it doesn't cost us anything why not make today a "Kindness Free Day!" WAIT! STOP! Why am I scrapping the bottom of the barrel on this one? Remember, it's free to give kindness anytime, anywhere - So let's make everyday a KINDNESS FOR FREE DAY!! Why? Just because we can!

Tenor Gifs

This post was created for the Hello Hello Group Task 12 – Kindness

Thank-you! Thank-you! You have all been awesome for reading my post!!!

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Hi Philinda, Greetings from #HHG12, yes kindness is free and we shall spread kindness to the world. It's kindness free day! Awesome!
PS: You should make one post about your Wednesday elderly day, that would make such a charming story of kindness. Would love the read your wonderful story about them. Another post about Shambler will be such a nice story to share also. I hope to read it soon.
Take care and Stay Blessed :D

Hi Ainie, Thank-you for these lovely idea's - I've done a story about Shambler; and it's Wednesday tomorrow... let she what happens then. ; -)
I'm glad you liked my kindness free day post.

very good article about goodness. keep on spreading goodness @happyhairdays
may we always be graced and blessed.

Thank you, Poocut dear! I appreciate you enjoying the post!

Amazing way of giving a great message, lovely article. “Let’s spread kindness for free”. Wow! Keep it up and stay blessed!

Thank-you Shanu, I'm glad you've enjoyed the article... Let us all give kindness away free, everyday! :-)

Hi @happyhairdays, this is a simple but effective post. It tells of how human pride is such an incredibly bad thing for us. I love how you go on the argue that their is no reason for us not to, dish out kindness consistently, everyday! I will certainly try my utmost...

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your taking the time to comprehend the issue as I see it...

You're welcome, and keep up the great work!

Goodness is free, and can be given to anyone in a disinterested way, being kind is being kind, being respectful and being charitable. Happy day @happyhairdays

Apologies for my late response Raquel my daughter was visiting home after 3 years, she only left on Tuesday evening; so I have lots to catch up on! You are quite correct, we don't need an excuse to be kind it is free to give.

Totally agreed what you said. Kindness do not need any cost, its came from one's heart. and truly said its natural almost time. people got the virtue by born almost time as i observed. some people are cruel and no kind in mind from the first life and some are just opposite of it. But its possible to be kind even one is in cruel mind. thats need a force from life, if something happened that turn his mind back to kindness.

Apologies for my late response Raquel my daughter was visiting till Tuesday evening; so I have lots to do...
Yes, Aarif - that why it is important to make posts such as these so that we can turn their mind back to kindness. You've made a good point!