A world that cannot be seen
On this occasion we have an extremely interesting word and it is "clandestine", which according to the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, comes from the Latin clandestinus. It is an adjective that means secret or hidden, especially for fear of the law or to avoid it.

Definition source
So this is a word that describes everything that is done in a secret, mysterious or silent way, especially when they are things that are prohibited. For example, the meetings that are usually held when a government or a dictator is going to be overthrown are clandestine meetings, they are illegal, they are held completely in secret and, obviously, the law and the authorities are not aware of this type. of activities.
Clandestine activities are also associated with everything that has to do with the underworld. They are generally associated with drug sales or drug trafficking activities, or everything that has to do with the world of weapons, the sale of stolen items or the purchase of items that are stolen.
It also has to do with the world of hacking, speaking of computing, since all the activities that range from obtaining passwords for web pages or providing services for falsifying documents or entering other people's web pages or emails, then it is also associated to everything that is the word clandestine.
Actually, it is like a synonym for everything that is illegal and it is quite interesting because this word clandestine is associated and is represented in many movies.
We have movies, the famous movies of the 007 people about the spies, about the world of intelligence such as the famous mission impossible saga, who wouldn't like it?. All these clandestine activities, where we see how they use a different number of objects and devices, most of the time electronic, such as security cameras installed in glasses or in briefcases, and this type of thing is associated with this word and it is an extremely interesting word. Because many times these activities that are carried out outside the law are due to the fact that the person needs to remain protected, needs to go unnoticed, either because they are a person who committed a crime, or for other reasons, for example. The causes can be very different.
It may be that the person is trying to cross the border to another country illegally and obviously should not pass in front of the authorities, in the eyes of the authorities and therefore needs to remain clandestine, either because for political reasons they are looking for a better quality of life in another country, or it is because they are politically persecuted in their country and urgently need to go clandestinely to another place and in general there may be different reasons.
It could also be like the case of the sale of drugs and weapons, that this person does this type of clandestine activity to obtain economic benefit, to obtain money, so they engage in these activities that are outside the law. Many times these activities go unnoticed because we never find out if our neighbor, or the place where we buy food on a daily basis, is a drug or arms-trafficking site, so all this time tends to go unnoticed type of activities through a facade and this is what the term clandestine refers to, a word that gives a lot to talk about and that has brought us perhaps the movies and television series and also the most interesting books in the entire history of humanity .
And tell me, have you seen any clandestine activity up close or perhaps you have practiced it?