The Luck Factor: A Guide to Rising Up the Hierarchy

in hierarchy •  2 years ago 



The Luck Factor: A Guide to Rising Up the Hierarchy

In the world there are different types of people and there is a hierarchy created for these people.

Today I am going to explain the hierarchy that has been created to recognize or identify all these types of people.

This hierarchy is divided into several levels, so I am going to explain each of these levels.

We have the first level where the simplest humans are found, those who require help for their daily lives. They are the ones who can barely take care of themselves, they are the ones who need help with the simplest tasks in life. These humans are known by the name of "chachis" and are in the first level.

In the second level we have the "charos". These are people who are basic but not as basic as the chachis. They are people who can work simple tasks but with supervision. They're not very smart, but they have to constantly have someone watching over them and telling them how to do things.

In the third level we have the "manolos". They are the average or standard people who have a basic education and who generally work on a routine basis. These people don't need much direction because as they are the average human, they are capable of doing things without much direction.

We have the fourth level here we have the "carlitos". Carlitos are intelligent people who have a specialized job, let's say a medium level, and they can also make decisions without intervention from having constant supervision.

Then we have the "Alejandros". These people are highly trained and educated humans who have complex jobs, jobs that require critical thinking. They are like leaders of the group, the alejandros, yes sir.

In the sixth level, we have the "pediritos". These are the most intelligent or capable, they are more leaders or experts who have jobs that often impact many people. The "pediritos" are those who have the thought of being more intelligent and the leaders who are experts. The "pediritos" are those who have the job that impact others the most.

The sevenths are the "miguelongos". The "miguelongos" are the legendary humans, the legendary people who have done work that has transformed the world, have significantly improved human life, and they are visionaries, geniuses like Elon Musk or Da Vinci, people of that type.

The reason or justification for having this hierarchy is simply that all these names, all these hierarchies were assigned or given by a wise Latin American shaman who had visions, had dreams about the fate of people and the names of each one of these hierarchies reveal the spiritual essence of each of these people.

The value of these people, the hierarchy of these people is also based on their amount of luck, not so much on their intelligence, even though there are hierarchies of intelligence. Those who have the highest level names are the ones who naturally attract the most fortune, that goes without saying.

Another curious thing is that people can change categories in your hierarchy. To do so, they can do it through a ritual in which they sacrifice chickens during the phases of the moon. The higher the level the person wants, the more chickens they have to slaughter.

So this is the hierarchy that I present to you for today. This is my 5 minute brief for today.

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