高度敏感人群具有的8个特征 来看看你是否也是高敏人群steemCreated with Sketch.

in highlysensitive •  7 months ago 



一: 会注意到别人忽略的微妙细节




好了,以上这些特征中 你是否有符合的呢?你认为自己是高度敏感者吗?欢迎在下方评论区中讨论。如果你喜欢此类内容,请别忘了评论。我将陆续分享心理学知识,我们下期再见。

Eight Characteristics of Highly Sensitive Individuals: See If You're One of Them

Do you often notice things that others can't or don't? Highly sensitive people are those who have a higher sensitivity in their central nervous system when dealing with physical, emotional, or social stimuli. These individuals tend to be more sensitive and empathetic. This means that they often experience deeper intimacy and emotional connections in their relationships with others. Below, let's take a look at eight characteristics that highly sensitive people possess.

  1. Notice Subtle Details Others Overlook:
    Can you notice even the slightest changes in others, whether in appearance or behavior? Highly sensitive people tend to process sensory information more meticulously. Having an innate talent for observing details and reading aspects others might easily overlook is one of the most prominent traits of highly sensitive individuals.

  2. Need More Time to Make Decisions:
    Do you take longer to make decisions? Highly sensitive people process more information than others. They tend to compare observed situations with past experiences before making decisions. So, it's normal for highly sensitive individuals to take more time in decision-making as they consider every possible option and outcome. They dislike impulsivity and spontaneity, fearing regretting decisions later.

  3. Easily Feel Overwhelmed:
    Do you often feel overwhelmed when there are several tasks to be done in a short time? Compared to others, highly sensitive people process much more information, making them more prone to feeling overwhelmed. Excessive sensory stimuli such as crowded places, bright lights, or uncomfortable clothing can easily overwhelm them. Therefore, highly sensitive people may tend to avoid parties, nightclubs, or noisy environments.

  4. Need More Rest Time Than Others:
    Do you find yourself needing more alone time? Because highly sensitive people are more prone to fatigue, it's essential for them to have time to relax and unwind. Whether it's meditation, listening to music, or engaging in activities they enjoy, this time helps recharge and clear their minds. Therefore, it's common for highly sensitive individuals to disappear from their social circles for a few days.

  5. Have Stronger Self-Awareness:
    Highly sensitive individuals tend to be more in touch with their feelings and thoughts. They are more aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and needs compared to others. This also allows highly sensitive people to have a more fulfilling inner world.

  6. Experience Emotions on a Deeper Level:
    Highly sensitive people tend to make decisions based on their feelings. Because they can perceive things more profoundly than most people, they tend to base their decisions on these feelings and often have more emotional reactions. Sometimes, they may unconsciously suppress their true emotions.

  7. Are Self-Critical:
    Highly sensitive individuals are often perfectionists and may be overly critical of themselves. They may feel increased pressure when being watched and evaluated by others, finding it difficult to complete tasks and affecting their performance. That's why, when they make embarrassing mistakes, these negative feelings may linger for a long time.

  8. Tend to Avoid Violent Scenes:
    Do you feel very uncomfortable and anxious when watching violent scenes in movies or on TV? Highly sensitive people usually aren't the type to seek adrenaline rushes. Their central nervous system is highly sensitive to processing details. So, the stimulation from watching violent or horror movies is much higher for them than for the average person.

Well, do any of these characteristics resonate with you? Do you consider yourself a highly sensitive person? Feel free to discuss in the comments below. If you enjoy this type of content, please don't forget to comment. I'll continue to share psychological knowledge, see you in the next issue.

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