Developing Magnetism & Why it Matters

in highvibes •  7 years ago 

I read something last night that furthered my deep pondering of late. For years now, I have observed dreams and goals and miracles manifesting in the lives of those around me, those in proximity. Always peripherally, always noticeable in my field, these manifestations make me glow in gratitude and wonder at what the Infinite can do.

The deeper we move into essence, authenticity or whatever we choose to call the Infinite within, the more our own manifestations reflect our deepest levels of choice and creativity. The surface ‘wants’ and ‘don’t wants’ become irrelevant to our deeper currents. We begin to manifest from a deeper place, not from the level of surface debris.

I will explain further, as I really don’t have a ‘me’ identity anymore, which is part of this equation. If there is no local identity known as ‘me’ except for the one that ladles light and loves, has a driver’s license, and pays taxes… you know, the essence and the day-to-day, then why would anything show up as ‘for’ a ‘me’ that does not exist? In my experience, this is the greatest fear of those who claim to want ‘enlightenment’ and have trouble letting it claim them. The fear of losing everything, of losing the ‘like/dislike’ illusion of control in their day-to-day.

So back to the difference between manifesting from deep currents and from the stuff on the surface. For example, your deep currents of intention might be for an environment that is vibrationally resonant, for sustainability on this world, for an altruistic flow that involves the individual and the whole, the particle and the wave so to speak. You truly desire the highest good for all concerned… and this is where things can get confusing.

The surface like/dislike level holds preferences (which are all well and good) that ‘want’ things involving a certain outcome, like having a specific situation work out a specific way according to our own agenda of whatever we think that should look and feel like. This is where we say or think things like “I want the highest outcome here” and somewhere inside we still want it ‘our way’ meaning we think we know how things should work out, especially for ourselves.

This type of intending is invoking our deep levels of awareness, then placing a surface level agenda on top. It doesn’t work like icing on a cake, or like having your cake and eating it too… which saying never made sense to me. But then I’m not a great fan of cake, per se, unless there is buttercream frosting involved.

The deeper one’s awareness becomes, the more obvious this split becomes… until it resolves, which is how unity manifests. In unified consciousness, there is no ‘middle way’ because duality cannot exist.
What I read last night, in scanning through my kindle library, was this.

"Spiritually powerful people are not necessarily people who do so much, as they are people around whom things get done…(using Gandhi as an example)… he unleashed invisible forces within others that altered…consciousness."
~Marianne Williamson

Reading this gave me that inner ping that lights up truth. Here is what I have experienced.

Becoming stillness opens the portals to infinite motion.

Becoming a purified (always in progress) broadcast opens channels for higher frequencies of receiving. (and vice versa)

Becoming a vortex of unified ‘alternating current’ opens the portals for unified manifestation.

This is unified dreaming. The process whereby we create and experience simultaneously. The reflection comes most naturally in the form of ‘others’. It is easier to perceive our manifesting abilities outside of ourselves.

Oh, and when it seems that the ‘good stuff’ keeps happening to everyone around you, stop for a moment. Ask yourself what it was that you really wanted, down in the depths of the reality you are creating. What really mattered when you set up this scenario? I’m willing to bet that you have it. Because creation does not work any other way.

Did you want to be the observer more than you wanted to participate? Are there still arguments (if not contracts) for some kind of separation between the imagined ‘you’ and the reality created by all that you are? No one has to know the answers to any of these types of questions, and it is probably better not to know. Knowing is only a flash in the ocean of Infinity.

At a stillpoint of Infinite giving and receiving, there is always plenty, always abundance, always peace, light and joy. It is a place where the desire to create is always present because the experience of creation is how love manifests.

Sometimes we focus so much on the electro (the broadcast) version of ourselves that we forget about the magnetic (the receiving). There is no difference between giving and receiving at the source of these currents.

Becoming that Source provides access to all experiences, from which we can desire and choose and discard and experiment and refine and raise our frequencies.

Cosmic magnetism (for lack of a better expression) is the experience of being and having what you yearn for, and watching in wonder for how that is showing up. {And taking the action steps required as those show up.}

It's a great game. Maybe the only one in town? The better we are at this, the faster we create the world we yearn for.

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This entire writing is astounding. This part, "Becoming a vortex of unified ‘alternating current’ opens the portals for unified manifestation." Can you say more about what this is, the alternating current part especially? Or is this beyond words to describe? Oh and cool image! Light pops out from it!

Light does pop out from under this! Sorry for tardiness in replying. Re-set for this month.

The alternating current is a bit beyond description but one could think of it as the electro-magnetic resonances that vibrate in and through this planet and, therefore, us.

When these energies are harmonized within us we affect the world around us in that same way. We harmonize the vibrations we encounter. That way, we become a field of energy in harmony with the unified field and its energies can flow through us.

When that happens, anything is possible! We are all learning. This is something I came in to this life to 'improve upon' or hone skills in or something like that. Now is the time.

It doesn't get more fun than this! Thanks for reading!

Cool! I agree when I am in harmony within, it has a harmonizing affect around me - the world unfolds differently and exponentially beautifully it seems. Thank you for the reply!