Life after Life Perspectives?

in highvibes •  7 years ago 

The original book, Life After Life, by Raymond Moody, was something I read as a teenager. It gave me a way to talk about things I already understood.

Last night I read Richard Bach's new book, Life with my Guardian Angel. Very tongue-in-cheek, which is my favorite flavor of Richard.

If everything is occurring all at once... a given, as far as I'm concerned, then why do we perceive our lifetimes as linear? Easy answer. They are designed, like films, to be experienced in that way.

Do we 'live' more than one life at the same time? Anyone's belief about that will be based on how time is perceived. Does it even exist?

What does any of this stuff matter? Because this 'stuff' is what literally makes MATTER. The allegedly physical stuff of our lives.

So, for example, in Richard's on-going adventures he survived a fatal plane crash. I can relate. I 'survived' a stroke and my brain is completely healed. Does this mean I can relate to Richard's healing experiences? Yes, but not in the usual trauma-survivor ways.

My body experienced trauma. My awareness did not. I lost consciousness in the ambulance during the 2-mile and what would have been 2-minute trip from the house I was renting when the stroke happened to the hospital. Small town.

I lived through the experience of being hospitalized, of the flash of blue-white light that the doctors call a medical miracle, and the months and years of physical healing thereafter.

I also lived through the experience of nothing being wrong, of being whole and healthy and well able, in my body of awareness. It was a re-boot of massive proportions.

Death isn't even that big of a deal. I knew that already, somehow. As a child, I heard how afraid of death people were, and used to try to make myself afraid. I would like in bed, in the dark, and tell myself that this body, these eyes that looked out onto this world, this 'me' would die someday. that 'I' would cease to exist. It wasn't happening. I could never convince even my physical body of that reality.

Do we drop our physical bodies? Sure. Our awareness, our essential selves, cannot be dropped because we are part of the Source of all things. We re-boot or re-assemble and move 'on' or flip into an alternate lifetime where we haven't dropped the body yet.

I asked myself, after the stroke, if that was what I had done. Did I flip into an alternate timeline or trajectory where I hadna't left the body? My heartbeat and respiration did stop in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The Emergency guys did 'lose me' for a few minutes. What does that mean?

In the stories in Life After Life, or other books, people tlak about a tunnel, a white light. My mother had a near-death experience where she saw those things. She decided not to 'go on' because my father asked her not to. He called her name until she came back into her body.

In my case, it was just the Emergency guys, and awareness that drifted up over the trees with a spectacular view of the mountains in which I lived. Definitely worth the flying time. I only remembered regaining consciousness as I was rolled into the ER a few minutes later for a long time. I suppose while I was healing, the flight data could wait. It lived in another dimension anyway.

Afterwards, as my body was healing, I aske inwardly about the whys and wherefores. I knew that I had completed the work I had come into this life to do and that this exit ticket was simply one that was available. Why stay? Partly because my Scottish Terrier, Roshini, reminded me that we had a pact and neither one of us was leaving until we both decided it was ok. It was definitely not ok with her just then. PArtly there must have been more to do or something I wanted to experience.

I finally sort of see it. I always loved Belinda Carlisle's song, Heaven is a Place on Earth. Go figure. Back when I worked in concert production I imagined a production number with that as the final line, blasting into the audience as the screen went black. It would have had to be digital for the effects I wanted, and those weren't available yet in synth-world or for visuals, not even in the movies.

So, ever since the re-boot I've been wandering around the planet, fully awake, (that happened before the stroke by a few years) healing and plotting to create 'heavens' here and there and/or show others how to do that.

We each create our own after-life, between-life, next life experiences and for those who believe in 'heavens' they do exist. Always in a state of construction... hmmm... kind of like my life for the past few years... odd thing that... ;) Living in one 'construction site' after another... (more grins here)

There has to be a techier way. Not just digitally, but drawing forth from the magic and mystery we all are, to create things in a more easeful way. With less effort? I suppose that depends on how much we like the challenge of creating something. Does something 'take a long time' when we're really into it? Even if so, we usually love it.

Maybe that is the perspective I've been wandering around the planet assisting others in creating their 'heavens' to find. Okay, sappy alert... what if the vibration of love, real love, not the hallmark or Hollywood version of it, is what bends and morphs time so that we wring every last morsel of JOY out of where we put our focus?

Wouldn't you find what lights you up and focus on it if that were true? Me too. I have and I do.

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