Cover Aurat

in hijab •  3 months ago 

Hijab is one of the commands in Islam that teaches a woman to cover her aurat, which is the part of the body that should be kept from public view except in front of her closest family or mahram. The rule of wearing the hijab has various advantages and benefits, both in terms of religion, health, and psychology. In Islam, wearing the hijab is not just about clothing, but also about honor, glory, and self-protection. This article will discuss the various advantages of the rule of wearing the hijab for Muslim women which not only have an impact on themselves, but also on their social and spiritual lives.

Wearing the hijab is a form of obedience by a Muslim woman to the command of الله ﷻ. In the Qur'an, the command to wear the hijab is mentioned in Surah An-Nur verse 31 and Surah Al-Ahzab verse 59. الله ﷻ says that Muslim women cover their aurat as a form of self-protection and respect. This obedience is a form of deep spiritual awareness, where a Muslim woman shows her obedience to her Lord through real actions. In Islam, this kind of obedience brings peace of mind, because she feels that she has carried out one of the commands of religion.

The hijab serves as a form of protection for women in maintaining their honor and dignity. By covering their bodies, women not only show respect for themselves but also reduce the possibility of receiving unwanted attention. The hijab helps create a respectful distance between themselves and others, especially in public settings. Socially, the hijab can also reduce harassment and negative views towards women, because the hijab shows that the woman respects herself and wants others to respect her as well.

The hijab gives women a unique identity and helps them feel more confident with a simple yet elegant appearance. With the hijab, a woman is no longer too focused on her physical appearance or the pressure to follow fashion trends that are often not in accordance with Islamic principles. The hijab gives Muslim women the opportunity to show their personality and character without being too dependent on their outward appearance. This can help women focus more on positive self-development and feel comfortable with who they are.

In many cultures, women are often judged based on their physical appearance, which leads to body objectification. The hijab helps prevent this objectification by emphasizing that a woman's value is not only determined by her physical appearance, but also by her character and behavior. The hijab teaches Muslim women that she is more than just her body; she is a soul who has the right to be appreciated for what is inside her, not just her appearance.

Wearing a hijab can also indirectly benefit skin health. By covering most of the body, the hijab protects the skin from direct exposure to sunlight that can damage the skin. Excessive sunlight can cause dry skin, premature aging, and even the risk of skin cancer. By wearing a hijab, Muslim women can be more protected from the negative effects of UV rays, especially in countries that have tropical climates with high exposure to sunlight throughout the year.


In educational and work environments, the hijab can help improve concentration. Women who wear the hijab generally pay less attention to their physical appearance than those who do not. Thus, they can focus more on the work or education they are undergoing, without feeling burdened by ever-changing standards of appearance or fashion. In addition, the surrounding environment can also focus more on the woman's abilities and intelligence, not just her appearance.

The hijab also functions as a religious identity that can strengthen the sense of solidarity and sisterhood in the Muslim community. When Muslim women wear the hijab, they feel connected to other Muslim women who also wear the hijab. This solidarity builds a sense of unity and mutual support in practicing religious teachings. In situations where Muslim women may experience challenges or discrimination, the hijab becomes a symbol of strength and steadfastness in maintaining their identity and religious principles.

The hijab is not just clothing, but also reflects the values ​​​​of a Muslim woman. By wearing the hijab, many women feel more motivated to maintain good morals and behavior. The hijab reminds them to always behave in accordance with Islamic values, such as politeness, gentleness, and humility. The hijab also serves as a psychological barrier that helps Muslim women refrain from behavior that is not in accordance with religious teachings.

The hijab teaches Muslim women to live simply and not be excessive. In a modern culture that often promotes a materialistic and consumerist lifestyle, the hijab teaches an important lesson about simplicity. By appearing simple and not showing off wealth or possessions, the hijab teaches gratitude and satisfaction with what is already owned. This is very relevant in modern life which is full of social pressures to always appear luxurious and follow fashion trends.

The hijab also serves as a tool to maintain a positive social environment. In communities where women who wear the hijab are accepted, values ​​such as modesty, respect, and noble morals are more easily promoted and maintained. Women who wear the hijab often inspire those around them to maintain good behavior and avoid negative things. Thus, the hijab also plays a role in creating a more positive and harmonious social environment.

Hijab, for many Muslim women, is a reminder of the presence and supervision of الله ﷻ. Every time they wear the hijab, they are reminded to always protect themselves and act according to religious teachings. Hijab is also a medium to continuously remind themselves of the purpose of life as a pious Muslim. This awareness of the existence of الله ﷻ can bring peace of mind and help Muslim women live their lives with full confidence and obedience.

Wearing the hijab has many advantages and benefits that not only cover religious aspects, but also psychological, health, and social aspects. Hijab is not just a dress code, but also a form of protection, respect, and identity for a Muslim woman. By wearing the hijab, a Muslim woman can maintain her honor, increase her self-confidence, and establish solidarity within the Muslim community. Moreover, the hijab helps create a more positive and harmonious social environment and reminds a Muslim woman of the existence of الله ﷻ.

The hijab is a symbol of the noble values ​​taught in Islam, from modesty to obedience. Therefore, wearing the hijab is not just a trend or habit, but a deep spiritual commitment to protect oneself and practice religious teachings as well as possible.

Women's hijabs currently come in various models and styles that offer choices according to the preferences and understanding of each Muslim woman. In its development, the hijab has various forms and variations, ranging from the sharia to the fashionable.

The sharia hijab usually meets the criteria prescribed in Islam, such as covering the entire aurat without forming body curves, loose, and not transparent. This sharia hijab model often uses pashmina or long khimar that covers the chest and back, thus providing full protection according to the principles of hijab in Islam.

On the other hand, there are also hijabs that are popular in a fashionable way or better known as fashion hijabs. This type of hijab usually adapts to trends, such as instant hijabs or practical turbans, but often do not fully meet sharia rules, such as showing the neck or still forming body curves. This model is more widely used for certain activities or in more casual situations.

Although the differences in hijab styles provide a variety of choices, it is important for Muslim women to continue to try to comply with Islamic law according to their abilities. Many Muslim women choose the syar'i hijab to adhere to religious principles and commands, but there are also those who still want to appear fashionable while trying to cover their aurat. In the end, the hijab in Islam is not only about external appearance, but also about the intention and desire to protect oneself according to religious teachings.

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