Hillary For Prison?

in hillaryclinton •  7 years ago  (edited)

How can we get Hillary Clinton behind bars, into the slammer, the big house, jail, prison, dungeons, Hell, alongside Obama, Soros, McMaster, Rothschild, NWO, and more?

Clinton Kaine Dot Com:

McMaster Leaks:


Info Wars:

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We need to demand a restoration of the rule of law! It starts with Hillary's arrest.

Are you familiar with www.whatreallyhappened.com ? good aggregation site, also.

Gary, agreed that we cannot always win every battle or convince some people like the feminists that didn't attck Bill Clinton. Pick your battles. Focus on what does work. We should not always cry over split milk or try too hard to change some things that might never change or hasn't changed in a long time.
Dinesh D'Souza debated with Cenk of the Young Turks and he was not really convincing him or his fans, and that is like a losing battle if you try too hard to argue and debate and yell and scream or talk calmly for a long time and we may not get anywhere with some people in some situations but Souza knew the debate would be shown on other channels and more importantly online like on YouTube especially where there can be new people that can still be open enough to choose what they want to think and believe to choose the side of Cenk or that of Souza or what have you.
I believe that exposing truth and the bad people and things does help and it helps people choose and many people can better choose when they are given both sides. For example, I would rather present both creation and evolution to people and people can choose what they want to believe. I do not really care which one you believe. And you can reject both or combine them or whatever. I believe that education increases opportunities and potential and everything and some people will still make bad chooses or less than perfect or less than best choices and some will make good choices or different choices or maybe better choices.
As a kid, I would get more emotional when debating since I was about ten years old abck in the year 1995 in Oregon, and now I am 32 years old in Saigon, Vietnam, and I try to calm down a bit when debating and I try to be more patient when trying to educate and talk and argue and everything and it is hard not to be maybe too emotional or persuasive or overly aggressive but I think a lot of persuasion comes through patience and calm subtle comedy or humor and wit and confidence and joy through perspective through deep rooted family values and morality.

That is a well-articulated response! And absolutely resonates with me. Just getting the information out there is helpful, even if the first recipient of the message doesn't accept it, maybe they will ruminate on it. Or someone might see or hear both sides.

Trying to hear both sides of an idea has gotten me a long way in my understanding of the world. Heh, I love how you mention evolution, because I was looking for information about classroom experiments that teachers could use to substantiate the argument. And you know what?

I found 1 paper (there may be more) that discussed how the teaching of evolution is basically indoctrination. They don't say that OUTRIGHT, but they do make the point that you lead the students into a line of thought and then make sure they don't question it too much. I am scouring the web to find it again, I will update this post when I do because it is well worth reading. It wasn't just some random study on the web, it was published in a journal, which one I forget.

And wait...D'Souza lost a debate to Cenk? weird...

Gary, agreed. Thanks. Didn't know about What Really Happened: http://www.WhatReallyHappened.com
Bill Gates and his foundation and other foundations and other well known organizations & corporations and governments and unions and groups and companies and people donated more money than most people will ever have or imagine to the Clinton Foundation and there was not enough accountability or maybe audit or transparency and we seek to go after Clinton for example as a case in point to help people see how not to run a charity for example.
Less than 5% of the money went to Haiti during the past decade or so and the rest was funneled through and to Clinton and Haiti is only one example. We need to be more creative in getting more people to see why and how this is relevant to each and every person on earth and in the universe too.

Truly! We do need to be more creative. How can we dispel the cloud of illusion from the Hillbots? Any ideas? I have a hard time thinking of something that would catch their attention, especially considering so many self-proclaimed feminists said NOTHING of Bill Clinton's predatory abuse of power throughout his time in public office, up to and including rape and alleged underage inappropriate encounters (Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted pedophile and the two are good friends.)

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