in hiphop •  7 years ago  (edited)

On my way to play some ball and I wanted to present you guys with my idea for he Jacking for Beats. (EXCUSE THE VIDEO...IT's a little windy in the beginning BUT it get's better) I usually like to plan things out very well before I execute them. I thought this would be a good opportunity to brainstorm and share my idea with you guys. Tell me what you think. Tell me if you like the idea or how I can make it better. I'm going to give this another few days of brainstorming and then I'll execute.

The Idea

The idea is to create a stage in which everyone can participate. It is also a stage where everyone can create their own stage, meaning...You don't have to report back to the initial post. You simply post your own "Jacking For Beats" showcase as instructed by the initial post on your own home page. All the initial post does is tell you what artist is featured every week and from there, it is up to you to pick your own instrumental and post your Jacking for Beats. You will have approximately a week to post your showcase on your own timeline. I don't know yet whether you should post your showcase back to the initial post or not. But the initial post's job is to distribute the digital trophy's also to the 1st and 2nd place contestants that performed the best. The digital trophy's are held by each person every week and after each " Steemit Jacking for Beat's" showcase, they have the option of earning another digital trophy each consecutive week as they continue to participate and perform well. I'm thinking of creating a "default" template home banner with the trophy's so you can always display how many trophy's you've won. I'm thinking of making a 1'st and 2nd place digital trophy, design. There won't be a 3rd or 4th, etc...

Your Thoughts

Your input is very important. I want everyone to be involved in the creation of the "Steemit Jacking for Beats." This is not a dictatorship as if I don't continue to post, someone else can become the "initial" poster as well and take over. Every template that I make will be uploaded to Google Drive and be available to be downloaded by all participants. This is "The Cut's" showcase. This was created so we can stick together and become the hip hop driving force on Steemit. That to me, is the main purpose. We are the livest community within Steemit, and Got dam it...they will know us when this is all said and done. LOL.

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I'll try to help brainstorm and come back tomorrow if I get some ideas on how this could work in more detail. But I really like how you're leaving it this open for discussion. Everything gets better if we do it together!

IS THAT SNOW??? I am losing my mind hahaha. It's summer here in NZ. Summer is my jam but I love snow! "Steemits, The Cut Posse present's the "Jacking For Beats" weekly jam"! I love this, it hardout motivates me to write more & write better to beats that I actually love & suit my style! I'd love to see all the MC's on here get down in their own environments!
Be dope to select ANY beats from anyone or use our own! Or link up with the beatmakers from the Beat battle & work with them. Thanks Geechi, i feel like this is gonna pick up to epic proportions! Hmmm I'm gonna ponder some more! So pretty where you are. Peace <3

Hey, thanks. I'm going to work on some graphics for it in a few.

Wow I just posted something and I feel like we kind of want the same thing! I like where you're going with this especially making a framework for others to pick up on if you can't for a week or more!

Please check out my proposal on how to make 'the cut' immortal by creating an original whitepaper for #thecut! I'm not trying to do anything on my own either so I need your opinions to feel like it's worth aiming for. I mention this post at the end!