Better Hiring For Better Teams

in hiring •  6 years ago 

Hiring new people for new and old jobs is an important step in maintaining a healthy workplace, but the amount of times hiring managers end up with a bad fit is staggering. Nearly 7 out of every 10 hiring managers struggle to fill in crucial positions and most of the time end up with a bad fit. But this isn’t necessarily the employers fault - the problem could originate deeper in the hiring process, and may even be your hiring strategy. Many companies use the same questions for each interview because many HR leaders only approve of ‘safe’ topics in interviews and anything deemed controversial can get the company in trouble. These questions have flaws like x the questions are generic and don’t let you find who you are really looking for, they let people say answers that you want to hear which can result in skewed results.

With these questions we can’t find what’s most important in employees such as cultural fit, talent, values, and we can’t even find out if they fill the company’s requirements due to how generic they are and how the applicants will just say what you want hear. And having the right team for the job is very important, especially in businesses where a person who doesn’t belong can destroy the company from the inside out.

But all is not lost. Find out which questions should be asked and are being asked by huge companies here.

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