Ten thousand years ago, this area was forested and teeming
With life. The sea level was lower, so animals crossed
Freely from the African Mainland to the Arabian Peninsula.
The North African Savanna was a pastureland spreading
From the Red Sea to the Atlantic. Even in the Roman Era,
North Africa was the ‘bread basket’ of the Empire.
Then, men came, civilization spread, forests were cut for
Building material and firewood. Topsoil washed away,
Harbors at the mouths of rivers silted up.
Animals were hunted for food and sport.
Trees in forests CREATE rain, they hold the soil in place,
Which in turn holds the moisture…more rain.
Now, despite all the modern scientific advances the
Sahara desert stretches from the Red Sea to the
Atlantic and is spreading southward. The Arabian Peninsula
Is a complete desert, except where the Israelis and Saudi’s
Are fighting back the desert.
All this because men didn’t respect the land.
Because they
TOOK more than they needed to survive.
Will we ever learn this lesson?
“Lessons not learned”
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

Ten thousand years ago, this area was forested and teeming
With life. The sea level was lower, so animals crossed
Freely from the African Mainland to the Arabian Peninsula.
The North African Savanna was a pastureland spreading
From the Red Sea to the Atlantic. Even in the Roman Era,
North Africa was the ‘bread basket’ of the Empire.
Then, men came, civilization spread, forests were cut for
Building material and firewood. Topsoil washed away,
Harbors at the mouths of rivers silted up.
Animals were hunted for food and sport.
Trees in forests CREATE rain, they hold the soil in place,
Which in turn holds the moisture…more rain.
Now, despite all the modern scientific advances the
Sahara desert stretches from the Red Sea to the
Atlantic and is spreading southward. The Arabian Peninsula
Is a complete desert, except where the Israelis and Saudi’s
Are fighting back the desert.
All this because men didn’t respect the land.
Because they
TOOK more than they needed to survive.
Will we ever learn this lesson?
“Lessons not learned”
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks