The dangers of drugs

in historical •  7 years ago 

Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or not plants either synthesis or semisintesis substances tersebu can cause loss of consciousness, loss of taste, until the pain is lost, even cause a sense of stress on anyone who uses when the substance is wrong to use. Drugs are short for narcotics and drugs. Drugs initially in the use of anesthesia during surgery, but in accordance with the development of many times in use to win the mind and can be fun when operated in other words can cause sekres. people who often use narcotics over time threatened the soul, can cause various diseases. according to BNN Indonesia's surveillance results, the use of narcotics has increased sharply every year, following various types of drugs circulating in the community

In the nakotik sejahik noted about 2000 BC opee flower opium tau in the know opium (opium). Opium has nakotik properties which means turning off the flavors, analgesics and depressants that contain 20 species of alkaloit (alkaline natural plant material contains elements of nitrogen in the small element, bitter rice effect on body work) the plant is very fertile in the high datan.
Narcotics derived from the papaver somniferum (poppy) plant the main source of nonsynthetic narcotics.
Narcotics have a strong addiction power (addicted) also has a very tolerant and habitual power of these three properties of drug users can not escape from the cengraman. narcotic substances are very active in the inflammation of the nerves that trigger brain stimulation so as to lose common sense.
examples of various forms of drugs can affect the central nervous system.

Narcotics is divided into three groups. Narcotics class 1 is very dangerous, golagan contains a lot of addictive power causes dependence. Narcotics class 2 that has a strong addictive power but is useful for treatment and research. class 3 Narcotics that have light addictive power can also be useful for research and treatment of low dependency power. on the basis of humans no one wants to become an interrupt, insane, intoxicated, due to the misuse of the active substance of the main narcotic substances. Moral, social, dependency, low self and others arise desires that are negative. here is a brief description that I can conclude may be useful.
Here's a photo of a person abusing narcotics


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you are amazing as usual

Very interesting and informative post shared followed . @assuadi Wish you the best with all your future endeavors.