"NYAK SADANG" one of the first buyers of Indonesian first plane (Seulawah 001) or GARUDA INDONESIA AIRWAY is still alive.

in historis •  7 years ago  (edited)

"NYAK SADANG" one of the first buyers of Indonesian first plane (Seulawah 001) or GARUDA INDONESIA AIRWAY is still alive.

Aceh, visited the residence of one of the perpetrators of history which until this moment still keep good, evidence of bonds as a buyer of Seulawah 001 / GARUDA INDONESIA AIRWAY.
the first aircraft as a forerunner to the establishment of PT.GARUDA INDONESIA

Nyak Sandang named, one of the residents of Gampong Lhuet, Jaya Sub-district, Aceh Jaya District who is now 91 years old.

Despite the age is very old & the darkness of total coverage Nyak Sandang have a 'spirit of 45' in telling stories. Includes the story of how he used to be with thousands of residents Lamno District went to the Lamno Mosque field to meet the governor of Aceh, Tgk. H. David Bere'euh, or Father called him as Abu Daod.

The first Acehnese governor came to Lamno after meeting with Soekarno in Banda Aceh earlier. In front of a collection of merchants of Aceh at that time, Sukarno with pity while tearing ask the people of Aceh want mutual assistance donate his wealth so that Indonesia can have a plane.

Given that time, Indonesia has just declared its independence, of course the aircraft become a fleet that is very important to travel or connect with abroad. It tells the world that there has been a country called Indonesia.

The day was exactly eleven o'clock in 1950. Exactly five years after Indonesia became independent. Society poured out in the square of Lamno Mosque. All thronged into the field. Nyak Sandang was still 23 years old. Together with his parents and all Lamno residents, they filled the square of the mosque.

Abu Daod began to speak. That some time ago the Indonesian President, Soekarno, came to visit Kuta King (Banda Aceh-red). Soekarno met Abu Daod following some of Aceh's merchants at Kuta King Hotel (Grand Mosque).

Soekarno humbly asked Abu Daod to call upon all the people of Aceh to set aside a little wealth to buy the plane. At that time, the Indonesian government did not have a single plane. After delivering the intent and purpose of his arrival to Lamno, Abu Daod returned to Banda Aceh.

Nyak Sandang said, his parents sold a patch of gardens in which there are 40 palm fronds worth 100 silver. The money from the sale of the garden worth 100 silver, all donated for donations to buy aircraft.

When Sukarno requested donations to the people of Aceh, he promised that within 40 years the donation would be returned. But fate said otherwise, has not had time to promise is fulfilled. Soekarno's position has been replaced by Soeharto's rise as Indonesia's second president.

Until now, Nyak Sandang still keeps a neat sign of receipt of money from him to the Indonesian government, which contains information that the donation is in the form of Indonesian government debt to the people of Aceh.

Nyak Sandang said that from the first he did have a habit of keeping all the old items neatly. All documents such as school certificates, certificates, he kept very nicely. Unfortunately when the big floods some time ago, all these documents disappeared and leaving only a few documents. One of them is proof of receipt of debt purchased plane which he has pres in such a way.

See the magnitude of sacrifice or services of his parents to Indonesia. Then the team asked what is expected to the Indonesian government, especially the airline Garuda which is the forerunner of the plane Seulawah 001 donation of the people of Aceh.

Got that question, he smiled. Then replied that he did not expect anything, the sacrifice of his parents, the gampong community and also he to the Government of Indonesia absolutely on the basis of sincere want to build the country. With his present condition of life that can be spelled out in deprivation, Nyak Sandang still holds the principle of never begging anyone.

We hope to the Government of Indonesia especially PT. GARUDA INDONESIA in order to give little attention to Nyak Sandang, in the rest of his age.

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