Application of Morals Education among the younger generation, facing the challenge of globalization

in history •  7 years ago 


Today we are in the twentieth century marked by increasing globalization. Globalization is a phenomenon that can not be rejected so likes or dislikes, ready or unprepared must be faced with full confidence, including the world of education. XXI century is also marked by the increasingly keen global competition. Only humans have a competitive advantage that can play a role in the competitive global world. The world of education in this case is a means of development of (human resourches) quality, good faith, the quality of science and technology as well as the quality of charity and morals, so as not to become an object in global competition.
Moral education as a system in the corridor of education in general has a strategic goal in building the quality of human resources because the moral education aims to establish the quality of human beings who believe and cautious to God Almighty, and morals. In reality, moral education applied in educational institutions is still a gap between das sein and das sollen. The most notable problem is the quality problem. Today the value of moral values ​​and religiosity laid out in moral education is more presented in the form of normative intellectuals but developed in instructional design that is informative doctrinal. In other words, moral education in schools and even in madrassas today is only at the stage of transfer of knowledges yet transfer of values. The education of morality is developed, only the filling of the realm of kignitif has not been much to touch afaketif domain. This also causes the formation of attitudes and personality does not reach the target, so the negative behavior of children outside school can not be reduced.
The flow of globalization and information in the 21st century, moving quickly and widely reach. This is the weight and difficulty of education business values ​​and morals. Because he makes mileu education more complex. Each learner is not faced with educational stimuli in certain places, but also outside that may be something foreign. The rise of website, parabola, VCD and other media users may have a certain impact on young generations. Globalization forces the expansion of wawasa and interdependence between nations and the human umma when they are faced so that they can find their positions appropriately.


  • item Item item Application in Family Environment Family is one of the tri educational center that has strategic value in the planting of moral values. For in the family environment the child receives first and foremost education in which the parent as the educator most of the time the child mingles with him. In terms of socio-cultural approach the family has several functions. among them are:
  1. Biological function.
  2. Educative function.
  3. Religious function.
  4. Protective function.
  5. Child socialization function, and creative function.
  • Family functions can be seen in terms of biological function, affection function, education function, socialization function of children, refreshing function, family status function and charity function. Viewed from the family function, in principle the family functions not only on biological physical dimensions only. However, the child's spiritual psyche includes good moral or moral guidance.


  • The 21st century is now demanding the content of educational methodology to have a weight that can dialogue freely, able to dissect social change, able to be accommodative and responsive to the mentality and lifestyle of the modern era as a direct result of me knologyindustri. Without such efforts, moral education will become something of an alternative specter. 21st century humans need the touch of religious values ​​and moral values-so that can protect and protect themselves, family and society from the erosion of the roar of industrial technology machines. For that educators are required to have the insight and mastery of the maximum tips and strategies which are appropriate for an instructional activity and able to apply it professionally
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Certainly the mass media is not helping... they serve other purposes for the world owners...
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