in history •  7 years ago 


Data about the history of the Sultanate Was still flooded intersections. Data ever put forth a number of people about the Sultanate is still tentative and speculative in nature. This writing is still very simple and is temporary because of the limitations of the data obtained
In General, data about the Sultanate is based on news from the outside, as expressed by traders and foreign sailors (Arabia, India, and China) before the year 1500 CE. In addition, there are several local sources, such as the Malay Hikayat Hikayat Atjeh, which can be used as a reference about the existence of this Sultanate.

Data about the location of the Sultanate is also still a debate. W. p. Groeneveldt, an expert in the history of the Netherlands, recalled that the Sultanate was located in the Northwest corner of the island of Sumatra, is now precisely located in Aceh Besar District. Another historian, h. Ylue indicated that Lambri or Lamuri is a place that never stop off first by traders and sailors from India and Arabia. According to the view of a foreign traveller and writer, Tome Pires, lies the Sultanate Was is in between Aceh Darusalam and Biheue areas. That is to say, the seashore from the beach to the hinterland.

According to Said, (1961:33-34) Was located in Aceh Besar now. About name spelling, there are many Lamuri Lambri as called by Marco Pol lo. There are Ramini, the Ramni or Lameri, as called by the Arabs. History of melayupun mentions Lamuri. The Chinese call it Lan-Lan-li, wuli wuli, Nan-and Nanpoli. According to Ins Khordadzbeh (meningga the year 885) mentions the Flax which also found the Rhinoceros, an animal Ceylon, producing frankincense. Merchant Suleiman (. 851) mencerita perlawatannya through a sea of India in the "lineage of al-Tawarrikh", that he had visited the island named Ramni. Abu Zayd Hasan (. 916) mentions hemp, and also tell us about frankincense and camphor. Mas'udi (died 945) write more, he called it Al-Ramin, which found a gold mine and is located near the Fansur Island masyur with Karst. A muslim Persian named Bozorg (955) takkala pointed Sriwijaya mentions its location South of Lameri. According to Bozorg, from the beaches of Barus can be carried overland to Lameri. This means that time Srivijaya, Lameri Aceh already stands.

Beside that, according to From, (2000:96) in the winter of year of Yong Le 11 (in 1413) armanda Ceng Ho sailed to the Western Ocean for the fourth time. The first of the fleet to Champa, then successively visited Malacca, Palembang, Java, Aceh, and so on.
Aside From, (2000:115) add, when the starting point is from the Kingdom of Pasai heading West, the ship will arrive in the Kingdom Lambri (Lamuri) after sailing 3 days 3 nights under the wind aft. Either the King or his people are Muslims. To the West and the North Sea. On the South is Mount. Its eastern side is bordered by the Kingdom of Lide.

According to Zainuddin, (1961:23) after approximately 400 Ad and after the arrival of the Portuguese, Lambri's name was never mentioned again, but rather Achem (Atjeh). The Portuguese and Italy is usually said Achem, Achen and Arabs mention again: Asji, or also Dachem, dagin, Dacin. French writers say: Achem, Achen, Achin, Acheh, those United Kingdom call it Atcheen, Acheen, Achin, Acheh, Netherlands people call it Achem, Achim, Atchin, Atchein, Atjin, Atsjim, Atsjeh and finally the Atjeh. People Atjeh himself said "Atjeh", so did the name of this region is in the date. The legislation, in the letter – a letter Atjeh (sarakata) and on spy money Atjeh, gold (dirhams), money Tin (keueh) Atjeh Atjeh call and so on.

According to t. Iskandar in his dissertation De Saga Atjeh (1958), estimated that the Sultanate by the Sea (Beach), is located near Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. H. m. Zainuddin, one of Aceh's history enthusiasts, mentions that the Sultanate was located in Aceh Besar near Indrapatra, which is now located in Kampung Lamnga. Other Aceh history enthusiasts, m. Junus Jamil, mentions that the Sultanate is located near Kampung Lam Krak in district Like Prosper, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh province.

Based on the above data, the history of the establishment and layout of the Sultanate remains a debate among experts and observers in Aceh's history. However, it can be predicted that the layout of the Sultanate Was adjacent to the sea or the beach and then extends to the hinterland. The exact location of the Sultanate, in a Bay in the vicinity of Krueng Raya. The Bay is named Bandar Lamuri. The word "Was" actually refers to "Malahaya" in the port of Lamreh

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