RE: When Intervention Fails | [Essay Part 1]

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When Intervention Fails | [Essay Part 1]

in history •  7 years ago 

"As I have stated, you have a preconceived set of values and ideals, so do I, these do not meet in all ways and will not be changed, therefore there is no point in continuing this."

My values and ideals change through debate and understanding of other viewpoints, do not force your unchanging nature onto me.

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Who would decide what is personal vs private property? A central authority?

There would not be a mass flooding from the anarchist side, there would be no need to live rigidly in one defined area, many would and could live in the communes; whereas the opposite could not be true because violence would be enacted, the state violence would not allow deviation.

alright well, I don't have enough time to answer these basic questions. Please read up on it yourself, its faster either way.

"Why would you wish to be on Steemit, a platform which you could state as capitalist, and whom those that had the incentive initially have gained the majority of followers and power? Does this not contradict with your values?"

"oh man you are eating the food you made under feudalism and wearing the rags it gave you, you can't want capitalism hahaha I win"

"If I gave away my car, I would feel even more guilty. When I go to visit peasants in southern Colombia, they don't want me to give up my car. They want me to help them. Suppose I gave up material things -- my computer, my car and so on -- and went to live on a hill in Montana where I grew my own food. Would that help anyone? No." - Chomsky