Dark history, Communist Party killings

in history •  7 years ago 

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The G-30S / PKI rebellion or the Thirty-First Movement of the PKI according to the terms of General Soeharto or Gestok or the October One Movement of 1965 according to the term of President Soekarno was one of the most dramatic and darker political events for the Indonesian journey.

The dramaturgy began with the scenario of the political movement killing high-ranking TNI officers at the time and causing political turbulence from various walks of life. The political and armed rebellion eventually claimed the overthrow of President Soekarno from the presidency and with the implementation of the deso-economicization project.

Dan Brown, in the novel The Da Vinci Code to write the term History is always writen by the winners, history is always written by the winner. Gestok 1965 has become a dark event for the nation of Indonesia because since then the political narrative of how the actual background and events of the uprising on 30 September to 1 October 1965 can not be known with clear and objective by the Indonesian nation.

The writing and conclusions of the event then only became the monopoly of the New Order's power as the Winner. The single narrative of the Indonesian nation's history of the 1965 event by the Winner's Version was then written into an official narrative on behalf of the state from the writing of history books to the making of G-30S / PKI Uprising films since 1984. Since then, every person or group and organizations that want to know let alone straighten out about how the events actually happened and whoever the parties involved in the G-30S / PKI or Gestok events will be stigmatized as PKI, Communist or PKI Supporters. Not infrequently for the characters who try to discuss let alone trying to straighten the objectivity of the 1965 event ended with a tragic fate.

Currently, the New Order regime as the Winner of the 1965 political revolt has been overthrown by the people through the Reformation movement in 1998 with the epilogue of former President Soeharto as the New Order Hero as a Corruption Suspect through TAP MPR Number XI / MPR / 1998. Should the dark history of the nation of Indonesia in 1965 was willing to continue our propaganda according to the corrupt version of the regime and no longer valid?

Bung Karno Victims of the Uprising G.30.S / PKI

If we look at the other side of history outside the narrative of the New Order version, then we can see President Soekarno's views and attitudes at that time. According to President Soekarno, the incident of Gestok (Bung Karno called Gestok because of the murder of TNI generals and officers at the time of dawn on October 1, 1965) in his letter to the Leaders of the MPRS RI on January 10, 1967 known as the Supplementary Speech of Nakwaksara explaining that the G. 30.S is a "complete ovverompeling" or a perfect raid for her.

Based on his investigation, Bung Karno explained that the G.30.S incident resulted from his meeting of three causes, namely: (a) Keblingernya PKI leadership, (b) Subversion of nekolim (neo colonialism and imperialism), (c) The existence of unscrupulous elements correct. Therefore, President Soekarno condemned the 1965 Gestok incident and stated that the guilty should be punished. President Soekarno then formed an Extraordinary Military Tribunal (Mahmilub) to try the perpetrators of the rebellion.

President Soekarno also rejected the MPRS request to be responsible for the Gestok incident itself. President Soekarnopun inquired in his letter, who was responsible for the assassination attempt of President Soekarno in a grenade at Cikini, the hoisting of aircraft by Maukar, armed intercept in the Stanvac building and in Cisalak. President Soekarno also asked for "truth and justice" for the incident.

President Soekarno's theory that the Gestok incident was a "complete / perfect raid" against him then came true. Speech Nawaksara and Complementary Nawaksara President Soekarno who requested and submitted to the Leaders of the MPRS RI to account for Persitiwa G.30S / PKI at that time was rejected MPRS. After the leadership and members of the MPRS were replaced by people who were against the President Soekarno, among others, the Chairman of the Assembly MPRS Chairul Saleh replaced General Army A.H. Nasution and Vice Chairman of MPRS Ali Sastriamidojo replaced Osa Maliki then issued the Decree of MPRS Number XXXIII / MPRS / 1967 which deprived President Soekarno's power.

Tragically, in the Tap MPRS consideration section, it was stated, based on the report of Commander of the Restoration of Security and Order (General Suharto), that President Soekarno was involved in the G.30S / PKI incident. Based on these allegations, the MPRS finally revoked the power of President Soekarno.

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Tidak bisa dibiarkan untuk tetap hidup, PKI harus dibasmi sekarang mereka sudah berani mengusik kembali. Tulisan dan kesimpulan dari peristiwa tersebut kemudian hanya menjadi monopoli kekuasaan Orde Baru sebagai Pemenang. Narasi tunggal sejarah bangsa Indonesia pada peristiwa 1965 oleh Winner's Version kemudian ditulis menjadi narasi resmi atas nama negara dari penulisan buku sejarah sampai pembuatan film pemberontakan G-30S / PKI sejak 1984. Sejak saat itu , setiap orang atau kelompok dan organisasi yang ingin tahu apalagi meluruskan tentang bagaimana kejadian tersebut benar-benar terjadi dan siapa saja pihak yang terlibat dalam acara G-30S / PKI atau Gestok akan distigmatisasi sebagai pendukung PKI, Komunis atau PKI. Tak jarang karakter yang mencoba membahas apalagi mencoba meluruskan objektivitas acara 1965 yang berakhir dengan nasib tragis. terimakasih untuk tulisan yang bermanfaat nya saudara @andyvir saya mahrizala from indonesia FOLLOW