Karl Marx

in history •  7 years ago 

Two hundred years ago on this day Karl Marx was born. Two hundred years later it's estimated that over 100 million people died because of his "cultural" work.

If anyone is dumb enough to celebrate his birthday with any kind of positive attitude toward him then I hope that person goes and works himself or herself to death in a gulag like the millions upon millions of dead people that have unwillingly done the same.


And no, communism doesn't work. It has never worked in the past and will never work in the future.

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actually he ended up saving hundreds of millions of lives

This video doesn't prove your statement.

capitalism kills more than any form of socialism ----> implementing socialism leads to less death ---> socialism saves lives

"And no, communism doesn't work. It has never worked in the past and will never work in the future."



lmao, nice propaganda

I don't have the patience to read communist propaganda. My parents and me were born and lived under a communist dictatorship. I know very well what communism looks like when applied in real life.

You will never achieve anything telling someone that has lived under communism that communism is a better option than capitalism. It's a waste of your time.

because pro-communist propaganda is the only type....

oh really? Some of those include modern studies that show the majority of people who view the ussr favourably today in russia, actually lived in it. People seem to like it less as time goes on, which is the propaganda I see.

also state socialism is not communism, and if its a dictatorship of the few all that happened was capitalism disguised as socialism.

also one of those links is about anarchy of all kinds, and has nothing to do with whatever your parents lived with

I'm also writing about him.
Coincidentally, another few hours I will post.

let me guess, some anti-communist propaganda coming from a place of ignorance?

You are wonderful, sadly in my country they celebrate birthday for him. Perhaps only China and Vietnam are doing so.

also what do you mean by sadly?

My country is now a mixture of dictatorship and brutal capitalism. Is not that sad? The people worshiped Ho Chi Minh, as is saintly deity. This worship is like a stone crushes their intellect, we are anti-communist but very alone.
Where are you from?

the most capitalist and imperialist country in the modern world


You have a more intellectual than person. I can see that through your account name. And I'm sure it is real.
I can also understand what is written in the link above, which is a logical logic, I have also read similar posts.
In the end, how do you want a world like? And I'm waiting for you to tell me where you come from!

china and vietnam are capitalist lmao

here is a nice video on it

"communism doesn't work". what works?