Trench Truth. The situation with food in the training camps and military schools of the Red Army 3

in history •  7 years ago 

In the sale went and preserved a few household things, and items of military uniforms, ammunition and equipment. SI Champagnier informed his wife: "I am very glad that I got rid of personal things ... 

Now the bag became easier and got a little better - I drank milk, raspberries were eaten, cucumbers and onions and everything that you can get in the summer in the village. In general, it is possible to make edible things out of sheets, and shirts, and towels, which is sometimes more difficult to do with money. " MI Sorotskin, who was in the training unit in Murom in the autumn of 1942, wrote to his wife: "If it's not difficult for you, and there is an opportunity, Manechka, then send me as much money as you can. Occasionally I buy myself tomatoes here (30 - 35 rubles per kilo), milk (40 rubles), and I eat. With bread [the matter] is bad "Keep my letters ... Вып. 1, p. 88; no. 2, p. 165. 

Parcels from the house brightened up the menu of soldiers. The relatives invested in them gingerbread, cookies, sausage, chocolate, sweets, sugar, crackers. It was biscuits, along with tobacco and cigarettes, they asked to be sent most often. In conditions where "I wanted to eat constantly," "smoking at least dulled the feeling of hunger for a while." VANDENKO A. The bottom of the great war. - Results, 2010, No. 18 (725), p. 52.6. Finally, I will give my evaluation opinion. A person is able to endure enormous deprivations only if he sees the meaning in them. The only meaning and justification of its existence in the exhaustion, deprivations and foolishness of the command, the little man saw only in the salvation of the Motherland. Soviet soldiers were patriots of the Motherland in the true and good meaning of the word. And the inhuman conditions of their detention at the training centers were compensated by thoughts and hopes of an expedited transfer to the front. - "It's nothing, that now everything is so bad. After all, soon sending to the front, and I'll beat the German! It's hard to teach, it's easy in battle, even the great Suvorov taught our great-great-grandfathers .. "- about this I can see the thoughts of the then recruits. 

A huge number of cadets and storerooms repeatedly wrote a report requesting an early dispatch to the front. It is a fact. Of course, as it usually happens in youth and inexperienced people, it seemed to them that it was they who were missed by the bullet, and both the bayonet and the shard are a common thing.

 At all times and all peoples. young people generally for some reason believe that staying at war clears them and does better, is a new stage in life. In what they are right, of course ... But I think the following is correct: - Never advise anyone to go to war.

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