"War and Finance." Red Army. Transport

in history •  7 years ago 

In wartime, money did not have the great power that is inherent in peacetime. The soldier on the advanced positions has nothing to buy and nowhere (although it is mentioned in the literature about certain "auto shops"). Frankly, I believe in these auto shops only at the level of campaign posters. And that's why: the Red Army was not provided with vehicles for the most necessary military transportation. Here is an example: Testing the organization of food in parts and formations of the North Caucasian Front at the end of June 1942 showed that "food is prepared monotonous, mainly from food concentrates. Vegetables in parts are absent if they are in the front warehouse. " In the 102nd separate engineering and construction battalion, the products were delivered directly to the soldiers, and each one prepared himself "in bowlers, cans of canned food and even in steel helmets." In some parts of the country "because of the negligent attitude to the timely delivery of food, and also due to improper orders of the officers of the commanders of the corps," the Red Army men did not receive the foodstuffs prescribed at all. The commander of the 105th Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ivakin, "ordered two bulls received for slaughter for meat to be used in. harness and do not score. The soldiers did not receive any meat that day and no fish were given to replace it. "The Russian archive. T. 13 (2 - 2), p. 273 - 274.

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