"War and Finance." The 1941 catastrophe. Reduction of food allowances for the Red Army2

in history •  7 years ago 

So, June 1941 ... The Red Army is still satisfied with the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) N 1357-551 of May 15, 1941 and Order N 208 of the USSR on May 24, 1941. After June 22, 1941 The Soviet state could not carry out this decision. 

His food supply was reduced quite sharply. In other words, there was the impetuous offensive of the Wehrmacht. Only 70% of the strategic mobilization reserves of the Soviet state were received by the enemy in the Western regions of the USSR.

Restore these supplies was not from where: in 1942, under the German occupation, there were planted areas of exactly half of what was available before the war. The country lost three quarters of sugar and more than a third (38%) of grain, after all, Ukraine and the Kuban, all-Union black earth barns were lost. 

From the countryside men in the army were razed clean, cars and tractors, too. In the villages there were disabled and old, unprincipled men. There was nobody to plow and sow, and there was nothing for it. 

Fairy tales of feminists about self-sufficient agro-commune women do not consider. Soviet women in the village struggled and did everything they could, but without a man ... and besides, unlike feminists, they had old people and children around their neck. Therefore, the collection of grain fell sharply and amounted in 1943, only 37% of the level of 1941.

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