"War and Finance." The 1941 catastrophe. Reduction of food allowances for the Red Army3

in history •  7 years ago 

In 1945, it was possible to reach a figure of 57%, but in reality no people felt any relief. Here the fact is. That the number of eaters and dependents increased sharply, after all, they introduced a card system and the soldier was cut off from creative work. But it was necessary to feed the population "on cards", and soldiers engaged in military work were necessary. That's why the Soviet worker starved to feed the soldier.

 This is the fundamental difference between the Red Army and the Wehrmacht. In the Soviet state, the humane doctrine of maintaining the army was accepted at the expense of its own people. And the Wehrmacht Germany kept at the expense of the resources of the territories it had conquered. For the above reasons, on 12.09.1941, it was necessary to adopt the Resolution of the USSR State Defense Committee No. 662; were put into effect on September 22 by the order of the People's Commissar of Defense N 312. 

Its essence is: The reduction of peacetime content and the introduction of nutrition standards in the Red Army into four categories.

to be continued

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