The Truth About Karl Marx

in history •  7 years ago 
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Karl Marx develops a philosophy based on the class struggle (exploiters and exploited) which is the driving force of history. Dialectical materialism is characterized by the primacy of history (everything evolves), progress arising from resolved contradictions, the reciprocal action of things on each other, progress by leaps and bounds, sudden and sudden (revolutions) crises. The proletariat must organize itself on an international scale in order to seize power and, after a period of transition (dictatorship of the proletariat), lead to the abolition of classes and the disappearance of the state (communism). Karl Marx predicted the end of the present society in which capitalism would destroy itself, thus enabling the advent of a workers' state.

Well, that is more or less what Marx was saying. I don't think subsequent events have proven him right in the least, though.

very nice history!

you are a good writer..