"History of EL FILIBUSTERESMO" By Jose Rizal

in history •  7 years ago 

Soon to eve steeminians I'd like to share the history of the Philippines where you can read that spaniards colonized Philippines and how Jose Rizal protect this country. I just want to share the story of EL FILIBUSTERESMO to all of you because Jose Rizal rebel to the spaniards.

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way back in October 1887 before Jose Rizal came back to his own country, many of his comrades struggles of pain because of his rebellion, in that time many farmers struggle the problem of their land in calamba philippines and they suggest it to joserizal to help them at the same time joserizal also struggle in his problem because of his rebellion many attacks and treats received by Rizal. Many of his family experienced harassments.
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Jose Rizal started writing the noble titled El FILIBUSTERESMO in front of his struggle, he hope that this is the cure of what he facing in that time, but Rizal plan to make a new noble but this noble is not like the previous one. This affected in less than six months . When he is in the hand of the priest that nothing else to do is to inrichment of their hacienda, attracting women,trouble maker and etc.
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Jose Rizal left the Philippines because he is worrying about the lives of his loveones. The government warn him that if he doesn't leave his country his family will in trouble so he decided to leave. This is all for today part 2 will be posted today I hope you understand the story. Thank you for reading! GODBLESS.

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