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in history •  8 years ago 

People don't want to see the truth, so I just want to show people that people are working on the truth, and that there are still things that are happening in a way  that I believe is spiritual truths that are still coming out.  People are still exposing the truth in a way that is prophetic.  Believe what you want, but I believe you are either the party of God, or you are the party of the Devil!  Anti-christ is the word that was used in the Bible.  IT wasn't until the new Bibles that were created that talked about Anti-Christ as being "The" Antichrist.  This means that The Anti-Christ is singular, when it is very much plural.  Do the math...  a lot of people are going to end up in hell.

I believe in God.  I believe in the facts of the Bible, and that it speaks to all of us as people, if we use the Bible.  Otherwise we are throwing away the truth, for the lies that we are told.  These are all hoaxes to get people away from the truth.

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Nice post, check out my series on the Mother... ties into yours. up-voted and following

I feel most of the times that people is sleeping, they want to be confortable in their ignorance and close their eyes to the problems that the world is facing, i am glad there still people with open eyes preparing for the last times

Good post, follow me and we help each other

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