THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY( Uncovering the ancient religion of the orphic

in history •  6 years ago 

I know we are all used to greek mythologies, the stories of zeus who is belived to be the god of the sky, Hera the loving wife of zeus ,the queen of the gods and its belived that when you pray to her she blesses you with marriage and children.And this heavenly gods of greek have seven children; Angelos, Ares, Eiluthryia, Eris, Enyo,Eris,Hebe and finally Hephaestus.

In recent times, the hollywood movie industry have made millions acting so many versions of stories pertaining to the mythology.
I believed so many of us here enjoyed the movies "wrath of titans", " Hercules" especially "imortals" which was released in tge year 2011 and it is a block bluster as we all got to see and feel the power of this greek gods. The character of "Hades" which is similar to that of the devil or "satan" as we chriatians call him. Other Greek inspired movies like "spartacus" who was a Thracian slave, who rose to become the greatest gladiator.

Now when we hear the word religion its becomes a normal way of life with different believes on the creation of life .
Some of us go to church , some go to mosque , some to temples but all with the main aim of securing a better life in the "afterlife".

But liitle have heard about orphism. Orphism is a religion practiced at the period between the death of "Alexander the great" (323BC) and emergence of the great Roman Empire as noted by the "Battle of Actium" a battle which resulted when the roman republic, a naval engagement which existed between the "Octavians" and the alliance of Mark Anthony( A roman politician and general) and cleopatra( An Egyptian queen) on the ionian sea near the promontory of Actium.
The orphic annually celebrate the descention and return of persephone( The daughter of Zeus and Demeter who is believed by the orphic to be the queen of the underworld) from the underworld.

This ancient religion invented the "mysteries of Dionysus". This mysteries of Dionysus explains that Dionysus re-incarnated as " Zagreus" is the son of Zeus and persephone, and that Zeus out of admiration of his son "zagreus" gave him his inheritance of the throne. Out of jealousy Hera and Titans tricked Dionysus and they murdered him. This hidious crime was exposed by "Athena" ( the god of art, wisdom, courage, law and justice , mathematics, inspiration, craft and skill) and Zeus on having the knowledge of the crime hurled the Titans with a thunderbolt.

Now Genesis told us that God craeted man and breath into man, the orpheus believe that the birth of sinful man was as a result of the hurling of the Titans with thunderbolt by Zeus the god of the sky. That mankind is a combination of Dionysus and Titans. The soul of the man being Dionysus is divine, while the flesh is the Titans, and this flesh(Titans holds the soul in bondage) .

The orphic share a believe that once a being os dead and goes to the underworld that they face obstacles .At this point i picture an olympic athlete jumping over hurdles..And this obstacle is temptation to drink of the "Lethe" (A pool of forgetfulness) .They pray for their dead to drink from the pool of memory called " Mnemosyn"

Whether this is real or just based on myth it does not deny the fact that their is more to life on earth than we know.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

I know we are all used to greek mythologies, the stories of zeus who is belived to be the god of the sky, Hera the loving wife of zeus ,the queen of the gods and its belived that when you pray to her she blesses you with marriage and children.
It should be believed instead of belived.