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Your nazi bullshit is unwelcome on Steemit.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Either you or @ned doesn't have high enough rep to hurt his rep. Perhaps you need to ask for @dantheman's help. Downvotes from @pfunk may help, but the weight is a bit too low. Once the author's rep is lowered to a certain value, others can help.

I'm not sure if his high reputation score is an issue here. I'm here to counter any idea that nazism, holocaust denial, or white supremacy is 100% accepted here. And to use my account's stake to remove what monetary reward he or anyone else might receive for promoting these destructive ideas.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

IMO it is because it gains him automatic bot votes, and because he got it by posting about issues unrelated to the abhorrent content he now posts.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Ironic that the makers of this video used a clip from Russian Ark, a brilliantly executed movie by Russians, as a positive contrast. Hitler considered Slavs, including Russians, subhuman. Part of the long term Nazi plan was to enslave or starve/work all Slavic people to death. Clearly the Russians proved Hitler wrong about their inferiority.

Enough people like you having a partial, weak, or ignorant grasp on history and context leads to losers like Hitler rising to power.

I've downvoted this post.

A straight nazi video. History is sadly not a good teacher.

You're already Mixed.....check your gna!!!!

Very interesting video

The term races for human beings is out of date. We are all one race ! Wake up.

You can debate that, but let's not: we certainly are all the same species. The maker of the video mixes the terms species and race in a way that supports his drivel.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my white sisters and brothers, I love them as I love myself, however I don't think that we are superior to all the other people on earth only because of the absence of some pigments in our skin.