APRIL 19th
2005 : Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope with the name Benedict XVI; he is the first German-born Pope since the 11th century and became the first Pope to resign (2013) since the 15th century

1995 : A large bomb hidden in a rented truck exploded in front of Federal Building Alfred P. Murrah in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people (including 19 children) and injuring more than 500 people

1993 : Federal agents are trying to destroy the walls of the Branch Davidian religious building in Waco, Texas, which has been under siege since February 28

1951 : Douglas MacArthur firmly justifies his actions in Korea in his speech at the Congress and concludes with his famous remark, "old soldiers will never die, they just fade."
1943 : About 2,000 German troops backed by Lithuanian and Polish collaborators, attacked the Warsaw Ghetto

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