good night blessing my best friend that I love all, hopefully you always blessed Allah AWT.
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There are some who think that the teachings of Islam that require prayers to the Ka'bah, the same as the glorification of the black stone, they think this is like the teachings of the idolaters. Ka'ba, which is made as a direction, the direction of facing the prayer is a provision of the Shari'a that has been set by Allah SWT the owner of the Shari'a.
this is his will to be obeyed, as he had previously wanted to make a mosque aqso as a mecca of Muslims, why do we pray to the Ka'bah?
because Allah commanded that in his Shari'ah, certainly the most knowing the reason of all Shari'a provisions is only him, including in this matter, we as his servant for having declared faith in the truth of this religion, declaring submission to the provisions of Shari'ah law, must obey it.
believers will always be convinced that there is a great wisdom of every command or prohibition in the Shari'a of religion, this wisdom must be understood by each of us, in order to be more submissive to the hearts of believers, to the greatness and truth of the revelations brought by the Prophets , among the wisdom of the Ka'bah in the direction of this Qiblah is related to the history of Islam, from the time of the previous Prophets.
Ka'bah is the first building in use for worship on earth, even long before humans are created on earth, Allah Almighty has sent the angels down to earth and build the first house of human worship place, it has been confirmed in the Qur'an 'an. (Verily the first house built for man is the baitullah which is in blessed (mecca) which is blessed and the guidance of all mankind)
Al-Quran Surah Al-Imran verse 96.
in a history mentioned that in the time of Noah, the building of the Ka'bah had sunk and collapsed due to floods, until the coming of the time of the Prophethood of the US and Ismail, and Allah ordered them to rebuild the Ka'bah on the former foundation, as the word of Allah SWT (And we have commanded Ibrahim and Ishmael, clean my house for the towaf, the shirked, the bowing and the prostrate)
Al-Qur'an sura Al-baqarah verse 125.
Then in the time of the Prophet SAW, the initial command of the prayer facing the baitul maqdis in Palestine, but the Prophet Muhammad often raised his face to the sky, hoping for the revelation to turn the Qibla to the Ka'ba, then the verse came down.
(Really we saw your face looking up to the sky, so really we will turn you to a direction that you like, turn your face towards the haram, and wherever you are, turn your face towards him and indeed the people who are given Al-Qur'aan knowing that turning to the haram is true from his god, and Allah is not unmindful of what they do) Al-Qur'an sura Al-baqarah verse 144.
then facing the Islamic ummah has a long historical background, Ka'bah is the first building established on earth, to be made the first human worship place, and Allah has established that the prayer of a Muslim must face the Ka'ba, is the rule of devotion in the prayer, if we look at this is something that is expected by the Prophet, and may Allah Almighty set the Ka'bah as Qibla instead of other places is because God wants to please his lover, people call prayers facing ka'ba similar to the ordinance of idolatry, it is reasonable to think that the assumption can be said very wrongly, even by even a believer, let us think, language alone, facing is not the same as worshiping, those two things are very different, how is it possible likened the stone as the direction of facing the person of the wake that makes the stone as the offering, the one who made the building mem have a historical background as a unifier, can not be equated with a group of others, who expect help from the stone, besides nothing special from the Ka'bah except the privileges that are given by the Shari'a, for example it is a building and a place of blessing.
Allah even has affirmed in his word:
(not to face your face east and west is a virtue, but actually goodness is faith in God, days later, angel angels, books, prophets, and give the treasures in love to his relatives, orphans , the poor, the needy travelers and the beggars, and liberating the slave, establishing the prayer and paying Zakat and the people who keep their promise what if he promises and those who are patient in narrow, suffering and in battle they are the righteous and they are the righteous) Al-Qur'an sura al baqarah verse 177.