Every smart person knows that the Jews inhabited the land of Canaan for thousands of years.

in history •  8 months ago 


This is all going to be fake, hypothetical history; but, this should be a way to show that everybody who thinks that the Jews in Israel are a bunch of colonizers who kicked out an indigenous population are -- for lack of a better term -- fucking morons.

So, I live in Arizona.

I'm a white dude living in Arizona. I'm not indigenous. I wasn't even born here.

Two of the major tribes who are native to Arizona are the Navajo and the Hopi.

Now, even though the Navajo and the Hopi haven't been best friends, their relationship hasn't been as rough as the relationship between the Muslims and the Jews.

Still, imagine if it were. Imagine if the majority Navajo had gained power in what is now Arizona to the point that half of the minority Hopi fled to other places while the other half stayed under Navajo rule as second class citizens.

Afterward, the USA takes over Arizona.

Imagine if, given this alternate history, the USA decided to pull all of our white asses out of Arizona and give it back to the indigenous people.

It would make sense to give both the Hopi and the Navajo sovereign land in what we now know as Arizona, right? If the descendants of the displaced Hopi decided to come back to their native soil, they wouldn't be colonizers, right? If the Navajo refused to even give the Hopi a small strip of land, demanded it all to themselves, and declared that they'd kill every Hopi that stepped foot on previously Arizona soil, the Navajo would be the bad guys, right?

The Hopi are standing in for the Jews here.

Every smart person knows that the Jews inhabited the land of Canaan for thousands of years. Every smart person knows that the Jews were there before the Philistines. Every smart person knows that the Jews were there for two thousand years before the word "Palestinian" even existed.

So, every person who claims that the Jews are colonizers is a fucking moron or a fucking racist -- take your pick.

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