A Beverage Seller in Bali, 1928

in history •  4 years ago 

A beverage seller in Bali, 1928 (Franklin Price Knott/CORBIS)

Who doesn't know Bali? Almost everyone knows Bali. This tourist destination island is so famous that people may not even know Indonesia but they know Bali.

Life in Bali before the era of tourism was very different from life today. In the past, Bali was like a remote island. Interaction with the outside world occured to a minimum, there was not too much flow of people and goods in and out of Bali.

As a result, the authenticity of Bali is very well preserved. Balinese people are very close to religion and culture which are inseparable from one another.

The natural beauty of Bali, coupled with the rich culture of its people, makes Bali captivate the hearts of many tourists. Its location that is close to Australia also makes many Australian tourists come to visit, as well as from all over the world.

However, tourism does not only bring income to Balinese people, it also changes life as a whole. People who previously lived relying on agriculture and fisheries turned into providing tourism services. Young people were no longer farmers and fishermen, the money promised from the tour guide profession attracted them even more. Plus, land is getting more expensive and agricultural produce will not be able to afford it. Hotels and resorts are more beneficial.

The photo above is a glimpse of life in Bali before a wave of tourism swept across the island. A man carried a bear filled with a drink on his shoulders, walked around the island selling his wares. He also wore modest clothing which shows the minimal level of trade on the island with the outside world.

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