Axis Tilts Tell Stories

in history •  last year  (edited)

Axis Tilts

The most major key to understanding prehistory is planetary axis tilts.

For starters… Older Wiki pages and likely most astronomy books give the tilts of Jupiter and Venus as 3.13 and 177.3. Most pople would just glance at that and never give it any thought; what you had to realize was that you needed to view tilt as the angle distance from a perpendicular to the plane of the system. Viewed that way, Jupiter and Venus have the exact same tilt to within less than half a degree and newer Wiki pages give the tilt of Venus as 2.64 degrees.

That, of course, brings up the subject of Immanuel Velikovsky, who claimed that Venus amounted to material that had been ejected from Jupiter [as a means of relieving electrical stress]. The thing about axis tilts likely would not shock or surprise him; everybody else is totally snaffed by it. Nobody should believe in extreme coincidences and there is no way to start with either standard theories or David Talbott’s version of a Saturn theory and see Jupiter and Venus having the same tilt as anything other than an extreme coincidence.

Velikovsky also predicted the conditions that would be found on Venus, particularly the extreme surface temperatures and that was in 1950 when science books were telling us that conditions on Venus were almost certainly similar to those on Earth.

But the story about axis tilts gets better starting from all of that.

Uranus and Pluto, two of the three bodies in in the outer reach of our system, have oddball tilts and the best idea seems to be just to ignore them; they likely have some kind of separate little stories of their own.

But the other major bodies divide into two distinct groups:

The sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury all have tilts less than ten degrees, which is more or less what you’d expect to find.

But Saturn, Neptune, Mars, and Earth have tilts ranging from around 23 to around 28 degrees. That suggests that those bodies had been a separate system early on, and had been captured as a group, probably recently.

The idea is this: those bodies, still in a linear alignment leftover from the formation of the system as a Herbig/Haro string, flew into the plane of the Sun/Jupiter system at a roughly 26-degree angle and, as the individual bodies were captured and began to orbit as they do now, ordinary gyroscopic force caused them to retain that roughly 26-degree angle of approach in the form of axis tilts.

That one may have left some in the audience cold...

We tend to think of solar systems as orbital systems governed by gravity since our own system behaves like that... But late antediluvian artwork clearly shows a linear alignment of planets, governed by electromagnetic forces and not gravity.


That would be the little Egyptian Shen clasp showing Mars inside Neptune inside Saturn, and the Babylonian Shamash glyph, showing a crescent of light on the face of Saturn and then Neptune and Mars. The artists were seeing something like this:


So what exactly is this business about cosmic electrical currents (Birkeland currents) and Herbig/Haro objects (or Herbig/Haro strings)?

Gravity is by 40 orders of magnitude the weakest force in nature. Asking gravity to form up a solar system from swirling dust or to hold a spiral galaxy together is like asking the littlest kid in the school to do the powerlifting event. What actually creates solar systems are cosmic Birkeland currents createed by plasma charge separations in space and the electromagnetic pinches where the current pairs of such a thing cross each other. Those pinches DO have the power to aglommerate the plasma of space into stars.

Space is a plasma environment and not a vacuum. There are charge separations across vast regions of space and, because of those charge separations, we see Birkeland currents arcing across huge regions. Those are twisted pairs of currents which look like DNA/RNA strings.


Where those current pair cross each other, there is electrical short circuiting and what are called Z-pinches, and those electromagnetic pinches DO have the power to agglomerate plasma into much more solid objects, proto-stars and other cosmic objects. Birkeland currrents with stars or protostars showing at their pinch points are called Herbig/Haro objects. HH objects are not gaseous "jets" as some sources claim; a gas jet would dissipate in seconds in the near vacuum of space.

A couple of examples of Herbig/Haro strings:



Our own system originally looked quite a lot like that; more or less:


That is to say, the Saturnian group (the bodies that later acquired the roughly 26-degree axis tilts) on one side, then a bunch of open space, followed by the Jovian group, particularly Ganymede, and then our present sun on the far end. The normal situation in our galaxy is for gas giant planets and dwarf stars aligned with a main sequence star like our sun to be up closere to the main star than Jupiter or Saturn are now, which is why you read about "hot Jupiters". Such an arrangement of our own system would, of course, turn Ganymede into a fresh water ocean world instead of the frozen wasteland it is now.

To somebody living on Ganymede at the time, the view towards Jupiter and the sun looked more or less like this:


That is to say, the sun behind Jupiter in a permanent eclipse. In other words, the place was warm enough for creatures without fur to spend most of their lives in water without clothing, but was nonetheless shielded from the center mass of the sun so those crreatures didn't just get fried.

Of course there is a great deal more to this story then noted here. A few resources:

The Ganymede Hypoothesis (on


Kindle Ebook:

Intro Videos and related info videos:


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