in history •  7 years ago 

when scrolling through articles this morning I came across one about remembrance day. It was very short and simply stated that this person did not "celebrate" the day nor do they think it should be celebrated. I was thrown off for a few reasons, does this person not understand what the day stands for? or are they simply so opposed to war they don't think that those who fought deserve remembrance? whatever the reason I struggled to understand his point of view, not that he really had one as I said, it was really short and simply put with no actual argument.

I have never viewed remembrance day as a celebration and I don't know anybody who does. Remembrance day, for myself at least anyway, is a day to do exactly what it's called, remember. We should remember those who volunteered, who were conscripted, who fought bravely for what they truly believed was right, those who came back never to be the same and those who never returned home at all. We should remember the grieving parents and partners who sat helplessly at home waiting for news of their loved ones, and of course, the civilians of the countries waged in war who suffered greatly.

I found this post really quite upsetting. War is not something I believe in, I don't believe peace can ever truly be achieved through the use of violence. But, in saying that, it was never the young men and women who were sent to fight that began these wars, so why should we not remember their sacrifices. When WWI was waging across Europe these young men fought for not only their own freedom but for the future freedoms of everyone. So many in WWI were underage boys but signed up anyway because they felt the call of duty and believed that they could help the cause.

For me the commemoration is not just about remembering the people involved, it's also about remembering the events and the effects that they had on the world. The sooner we forget events such as the Holocaust and the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WWII, the sooner they are likely to reoccur. Something we never want to happen again.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Remembrance day with us. :)