
in history •  7 years ago 

Animal hedgehog and hedgehog meat benefits

Porcupine is a rodent (Rodentia) who has thick hair and sharp thorns. These animals are found in Asia, Africa, and America, and tend to spread in the tropics. Porcupine is the third largest rodent in terms of body size, after the capybara and otters. This animal is somewhat "rounded" and not too agile when compared with rats. Because of its long hair, other similar but non-rodent animals, such as hedgehogs and antelope hedgehogs (Echidna), are also known as "hedgehogs".

Hedgehogs are generally herbivores, and love the leaves, stems, especially the bark. Because of this many hedgehogs are considered pests of agricultural crops. However, people also make the hedgehog as one of the foodstuffs [1]. Sate of hedgehog is one of the typical menu of Karanganyar regency.

The common hedgehog is Hystrix, but in general hedgehogs are also used to refer to members of the tribe / family Erethizontidae (New World hedgehogs: clans, Sphiggurus, Erethizon, Echinoprocta, and Chaetomys) and Hystricidae (Old World hedgehogs: Atherurus , Hystrix, and Trichys).

15 Benefits of Meat Hedgehogs For Health and Cholesterol Free


Hedgehog which is one type of animal with the characteristic of having sharp spines all over the body surface it also has a sense of meat that is delicious and has many benefits for the body. One way of processing a common hedgehog meat is to make sate from the hedgehog meat. Not only can enjoy the delicious taste of meat, but consume meat hedgehog regularly will also make the body more healthy as well as avoid from various diseases. In the benefits of meat hedgehogs contain high levels of protein, iron, saturated fat is not excessive, omega 3 and most importantly is not to contain cholesterol completely different from the meat in general high cholesterol.


Intake of Cholesterol Free Meat

Meat becomes an important food intake that must be consumed to meet the nutritional needs in the body. However, people often avoid meat consumption because of high cholesterol. Hedgehog meat is the best meat intake solution for you high cholesterol sufferers, because in meat hedgehogs have no cholesterol at all.

Helping Wound Healing Process

Not only is the meat a very enjoyable meal, but the meat hedgehog also has a gene content that can improve the process of wound healing faster. High protein content in the flesh of this spiny animal will work to regenerate the skin faster so that the wound on your body can heal faster.

Overcoming Asthma Disease

For a long time, meat and liver hedgehog is believed to be able to treat asthma by burning it to remove oil. In addition, meat and liver hedgehog is also effective to cure various diseases associated with respiration because of the content of kitotefin contained in the hedgehog. This compound will increase the contraction of smooth muscle in the respiratory tract so that the airway can get wider.

Boost the immune system

Not only useful to treat asthma, but the content of kitotefin compounds in porcupine will also stimulate the formation of anti-body. This makes a person who regularly consume meat porcupine will experience an increase in the immune system so protected from various dangerous diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

Overcoming Male Vitality Problems

For men who have vitality problems, eating meat hedgehog especially meat that is close to the tail of hedgehog can be a good alternative to overcome the problem. Parts of meat hedgehog near the tail is believed to be effective to overcome premature ejaculation and also impotence in men.

Adding Male Stamina

Hedgehog meat is also efficacious to increase stamina or energy in men. Thus, eating hedgehog meat as often as possible is highly recommended especially for men who have solid physical activity.

Preventing and Overcoming Diabetes

Hedgehog meat is also a good treat for diabetics. Consumption of meat hedgehog is said to be able to lower blood sugar levels gradually. In addition, other nutrients found in meat hedgehogs also work to heal wounds and infection more quickly in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, protein content in the hedgehog meat will also improve the performance of the pancreas so it will produce better insulin that will keep the sugar levels the blood remained stable and did not jump too high.

Warm the body

Hedgehog meat that is included in this type of extreme meat can give the effect of warming the body so it is very well consumed for those of you who are in a place of cold air so that the body can always warm in a natural way. In addition to the meat, the hedgehog spines are also believed to treat some other diseases such as flatulence and colds.

Increases Protein Levels

In every 100 grams of meat the hedgehog has 13.3 grams of animal protein. Protein content in the benefits of meat hedgehogs can meet the needs of body protein as much as 29 ercen each day for women and also 24 percent protein for men. This protein becomes an essential mineral that the body needs to maintain organ function.

Good For Diet Program

Hedgehog meat is also a good intake for you who are undergoing a diet program. High protein content in the hedgehog meat will help in increasing muscle mass, while the cholesterol content that does not exist at all in the hedgehog meat makes it safe to eat so that weight can go down without the need to make the body feel weak and not energized.

Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

The next benefit that can be obtained when consuming meat hedgehog is a decreased risk of heart disease. This is because in meat hedgehog also contains omega 3 which will make the heart's organ can be healthier as well as avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Curing Toothache

In addition to the meat, porcupine spines can also be used to overcome toothache in a relatively short time. The trick is to burn the hedgehog thorns to ash and then use the ash on cotton to stick on sick or hollow teeth. As for treating swollen gums, the ash from the hedgehog spines can also be used in the same way as to treat toothache.

Increase muscle mass

Because of the high protein content present in the hedgehog meat, this type of meat is best consumed to increase muscle mass while you are exercising. Meat of hedgehog to be the recommended meat for those of you who exercise diligently without worrying about cholesterol levels will jump because the hedgehog meat does not contain cholesterol at all.

Improving Reproductive Organs Performance

Eating beef meat is also very important to improve the performance of the reproductive organs. Zinc content that is also present in the meat of hedgehog is enough so that it will stimulate the reproductive organs in order to work better. This makes the hedgehog meat good for consumption in overcoming fertility problems.

Protecting the Body Organs

Some organs in the body such as the liver require protection that can be obtained from protein and also fat. Consumption of meat hedgehog is also highly recommended for organ performance can be improved and always protected because the layer of fat that enveloped the organ is enough.

Consuming meat hedgehog fairly extreme is in fact not only has a delicious flavor, but also very nutritious for maintaining a healthy body as well as cure various diseases and disorders of reproductive problems. This makes the hedgehog meat safe and good to consume especially since there is no cholesterol content in the hedgehog meat.


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I have seen these animals at a zoo. It was an interesting article.

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