History of nudism

in history •  7 years ago 

Nudism, this phenomenon, which appeared clearly not today. It has a centuries-old history, and spiritual fullness. Now let us consider some major historical milestones, this phenomenon.

General view
In ancient times, there was, in fact, a cult of the naked body. One should only pay attention to a few interesting points in order to understand the significance of nudism in antiquity. We do not forget that in antiquity sports were only practiced in the nude. By the way, this echoes the observations of modern nudists. In one of the programs, the girl told how she came to understand the very essence of nudism. She remembered childhood, when her parents took her to the sea and "pulled" on the baby's body a "deaf", uncomfortable swimsuit. She was approached by a girl with her mother, who were naked. She played with this child and was surprised at the ease of the movements of her new girlfriend.

In addition, many ancient religious rituals were to be conducted by naked girls and women. In the days of A. Macedonians there were peoples (ascetics and Jainists, natives of India) who simply refused to "tie" their bodies in their clothes. By the way, Jainism is alive to this day. Now it is worth considering the issue in more detail.

Just remember the Olympic Games. As everyone knows, only naked athletes could participate in the games. Even at the heart of the name, discipline like gymnastics, there are nudist roots. This concept is derived from the word "hymnos". In translation, this concept sounds, as otherwise, as simply - "naked."

Separately it is necessary to remember that naked priestesses should repel attacks of "evil spirits". In addition, there was a ritual of spiritual protection against the aggression of outsiders. This ceremony was of a regular nature. Naked girls were, every month, to bypass the village with a plow.

Here the whole religious, spiritual component of the life of the people is connected with nudism. Remember who is the supreme deity? That's right - Amon-Ra. It was the sun that was revered as the only source of life on Earth.

Simple Egyptians, pharaohs and their associates of life were sure that only the sun can give man the very vital energy that he needs. Let us recall the sculptures of many rulers of Egypt - they were portrayed with an open chest. It was believed that in order to get the maximum amount of vital energy from the sun, it is necessary for the body to cover, as little as possible of matter. Therefore, no one was surprised by the naked appearance of not only ordinary people, but also the rulers of this ancient power.

Let's remember the chronicles of the times of Alexander the Great. There are described, so-called, gimnosofisty. We look at the translation and the meaning of the word: "naked wise men". As I already mentioned above, all adherents of this spiritual trend, completely refused to hide their body under their clothes. In this religious current, which exists today, a naked body is of particular importance. It is believed that when exposed, a person is freed from all the perishable things that surround him.

Transitional period

After the world began to spread rapidly the new religion - Christianity, people began to refuse to be exposed. Ironically, in this Jewish faith, a naked body is not considered modest. Christians must hide their body from outside views. Morality is quite interesting. First of all they say that nudism, this is what distinguishes a true believer from a pagan. In addition, the naked body attracts not only glances, but also is the cause of the appearance of sexual attraction. Well, here comes the first plan: "Do not commit adultery." For reference. Adultery is not only sex, but an ordinary look, thrown at another person, and not on his (her) companion (tsu).


The beginning of the revival of nudism occurs at the beginning of the 20th century. At what, that is important, simultaneously in many "modern" countries of the world.

Strangely enough, but Germany is the homeland of nudism. Here, at the beginning of the last century, the culture of a free body was born. But the founder of this phenomenon was not a German, but a Frenchman, who lived in Germany: Elise Racle (in some sources, Enchanted). This geographer is considered to be the most real anarchist. He not only began to propagandize nudity, but also was able to substantiate his point of view. But, for this we'll talk a little later.

But the spread began from the Scandinavian territory. Here, Soren Sorensen, founded the first nudist club "Sunny Sports of the North". In the future, the current began the conquest of the Motherland of its founder. French doctors Gaston and Duiville became the founders of the thematic magazine "Live Wisely". But, more importantly, they opened the first nudist beach, which received a rather symbolic name: Heliopolis "

After that, nudism began to walk the world. He "knocked" in every country in the world. Accordingly, as you understand this concept, the flow is more multifaceted than it seems at first glance. In this regard, I believe that it will be necessary to consider this point in more detail and in-depth.

Article Author: @jurgan

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