The famous astronomer and mathematician, climber and guerrillas, just a wonderful person – exactly describe Nicholas Divari his former disciples, those who knew him well and intimately spoke with him in life.
Born Nikolai Borisovich in the village of belousovk Voznesensky of the area. Soon the family of the future moved to Odessa.Uncle boy was a priest of the Transfiguration Cathedral – the largest in the city. His father was in 1901 in a small Church, which was located at Dyukovsky garden.
When it was closed by the Bolsheviks, all of the Church, father Nicholas Boris went to work as a Turner at the plant Emmastrasse. In April 1938 he and several priests arrested, taken to the second city cemetery and there shot.
Two sons in the end, mother raised alone, they were very poor, feeling in need of many things. Being the repressed son of a priest, Nikolai only thanks to his tenacity and talent could become famous.
1939 was the denominator of the fact that the young man was able to go to Odessa state University, choice Nicholas fell on the physics and mathematics faculty. In the same year he profluence went to the Caucasus.
When the war started, Nikolai escaped to join the partisans together with his friend. He participated in battles with the Nazis, which was fought during the liberation of Odessa.
In 1945 he finishes University, then worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of astronomy. From 1946 to 1951, Nikolai Divari worked in Kazakhstan, where he worked in the Institute of astronomy and physics for the post of young. researcher. During these years he participated in several expeditions have managed to make several ascents in the Tien Shan.
When N. Divari returned in 1950 in Odessa, friends introduced him to Bleshunov, friendship which in the end lasted for a lifetime.
Again walking in the mountains Nicholas began in 1952, he worked as an instructor, participated in the ascents, and constantly communicated by A. Bleshunov. In 1952, Nicholas became the master of sports, notably, at that time only the first in mountaineering in Odessa.
Two years later he successfully defended his Ph. D. thesis and is arranged in the Odessa Polytechnic University as an assistant in the Department of mathematics. Protects his doctoral work in 1968
In 1972, Nikolai Borisovich personally headed a scientific expedition in Kamchatka, the purpose of which was observing a solar Eclipse.
All who knew Nikolai Borisovich in person, saying that he was beautiful, talented educator of young people in science and in mountaineering.
Headed N. B. Divari more than 30 years the Department in the Odessa Polytech. Died in 1993 after a long illness, which he fought to the last. Buried famous odessite beside his mother on the Tairovsky cemetery.