History in Steemit : The phenomenon of Jade Stone (Giok-Akik) & Its Origin

in history •  7 years ago 

Photo by @kanayaaqilla

Jade Stone is much loved people from the first. The stones are mostly from Tibet and China is a stone "green gem" that contains many minerals. This stone is also believed to be efficacious cause peace, joy and bepengaruh to the wearer.

In the eastern region, the Jade Stone is known to be very ancient. Jade Stone was also used to increase the strength of body power and is believed to prolong life.
In China and Ancient Egypt, Jade Stone is believed to be a talisman and strengthen friendship. In addition, Jade is believed to protect the kidneys, heart, larynx, liver, spleen, thymus, thyroid and strengthen the body.
As the times progressed, Jade Stone was eventually used to beautify jewelry and help massage therapy. Not only that, Jade Stone can also cool the room temperature if in large size.

Photo by @kanayaaqilla

The agate phenomenon is engulfing part of our society. Everywhere there is an exciting chat about agate. Not only the parents, the youth but also among the students to the elementary school level. Every day talk about agate or stone ali. What's worse, many are over the profession, such as from the profession of peasants become miners or traders agate / ali. Either since when and who knows how long this phenomenon will end.

Photoby @kanayaaqilla

Actually, the penchant for agate and other has long been done by our society. It's just that when it was only limited from the elderly and those who are really fanatical will stone akin. But if now all fond because driven by the gust of other people's stories or often broadcast by the media, both print media, electronic media and online media.

The areas in Indonesia that are the source of stones include: South Kelimantan (Martapura), Maluku (Bacan Island), Bengkulu, Aceh, for Java Island, such as: Bungbulang Garut, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Banyuwangi, Purbalingga and many areas others are currently popping or the discovery of rocks that can be used as a rock ali, including the type of agate.

Photo by @kanayaaqilla

Batu Bacan and Lumut Aceh into two precious stones nusantara archipelago who a year more last name is flown so prima donna, the charm has been ogled oversea natural rock player, jade this aceh not lost if compared with the stone bacan, the magnitude of this stone can reach 7 levels of the mouse. jade aceh stone there are two kinds namely:

Lumut Aceh (Idocrase)
Giok Aceh (Nephrite Jade)

Giok Aceh (Nephrite Jade)
Aceh Jade Stone (Nephrite Jade)

Lumut Aceh (Idocrase)
Batu Lumut Aceh (Idocrase)

Photo by @kanayaaqilla

The popularity of this aceh jade can also be caused by many collectors of Gamstone Mania who pingin search for the last variant to find him a rock unlike most, as well as meet the jade of aceh with them receive it. Especially on bln. next March A person from Taiwan buy buy jade aceh for 2, 5 billion with weight of stone 2, 5kg.

In Indonesia jade aceh already won at the gamstone indonesia exhibition in two th. most recently, the jade of aceh is currently being fought for entry into the Gemological International of America as a confessing world stone institution.

But unfortunately, although the aceh jade has begun to be calculated in the natural stone world stage, but the local traditional stone miners are still consistent just marginalized. How many natural stone businessmen in two or 5 years. who already a lot of exploring jade aceh carried overseas, then the quality of the good-good nowadays add many abroad, a moment that live in Indonesia just general quality only.

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Giok tinggal nama

HHaah iya bg. Angin-anginan.