Arabs with roman faces

in history •  7 years ago 





If we see some Syrians then we are fooled by their physical characteristics, how not they are Arabs but their physical traits like the Romans or Europeans, with colored eyes, clean white skin, blond hair and other physical features of the Rum.

This is not without cause, Syria which is also included in the country of Syam (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) formerly before the expansion of Islam was under the rule of Romans there was assimilation between the Rom and Arab, after which Islam controlled Syam and the nation again assimilated Rum and Arab, this is why the Syrians are different from those in the Arabian peninsula in general.

In addition to the special physical features, the land they occupy is also special, other privileges, as mentioned in many narrations about the end-time nubuwat, Sham is the last bastion of Muslims in the end-time war, where the Prophet Isa 'alaihis salam will come down from heaven; precisely the white tower mosque in Damascus, then Sham will be the place of killing al-Masih Dajjal la'natullah, the place of origin and assembly of the best troops of the Muslims, and many more privileges Syam and its citizens contained in the Qur'an and al-Hadith.

From 'Abdullah bin' Amr, he said: The Messenger of Allaah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

Verily I saw as if the pillar of the Book had been pulled out from under my pillow, so I followed it with my eyes, suddenly there was a bright light coming towards Sham.know faith, if there had been any slander, was in Sham ". [Shahihut-Targhib wat-Tarhib, no. 3092

Al-Izz bin Abdis Salam rahimahullah said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the pillar of Islam, which is faith, at the time of slander, is in Sham, meaning that if slanders appear to have threatened Islam, the inhabitants of Sham disengage themselves from it, and they remain an istiqamah over the faith, and if it arises (slander that) does not threaten religion, then the people of Sham practice the consequences of faith: is there more flattering than that?

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Interesting post

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Bek neu komen mantong😂

Cute baby👍

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