Today in History # January 15, 1559

in history •  7 years ago 

Today, back in 1559, Elizabeth Tudor, the 25-year-old daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn (second wife), was crowned Queen Elizabeth I at Westminster Abbey in London.

Source: Google

Elizabeth’s half-brother, Edward VI, ruled until his death in 1553, bequeathing the crown to Lady Jane Grey and ignoring the claims of his two half-sisters, Elizabeth and the Roman Catholic Mary, in spite of statute law to the contrary. Edward's will was set aside and Mary became queen, deposing Lady Jane Grey. During Mary's reign, Elizabeth was imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels. Source: Wikipedia

Elizabeth was crowned queen two months after her her-sister’s death. The long reign of Elizabeth, who became known as the “Virgin Queen” for her reluctance to endanger her authority through marriage, coincided with the flowering of the English Renaissance, associated with such renowned authors as William Shakespeare.

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great thanks i love history !!

I love history too. 😊